
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Visions Common
Reviewed March 12, 2004
Constructed: 4.5
Casual: 3
Limited: 3.5
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based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews

game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut.com |
One of the staples
of old school Sligh (burn) decks. It's
alternate casting cost was used quite a bit, often
to finish off an opponent. One of its
greatest features is that it can hit players or
creatures instead of just one or the other.
Add to that its alternative cc and you have a very
versatile spell worthy of a good burn deck.
Unfortunately, it fell out of Extended with the
last rotation so you can only play it in casual or
Type 1. In
limited, this guy is AMAZING. Again, versatility
is the name of the game.
In casual, if you have
a good burn deck, this guy is in there with your
Lightning Bolts, etc. Fun, fun, fun!
Casual: 4
Limited: 4.5
Current Price:

*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
Friday -
Finally, and old school Sligh finisher. This is
still used today to push through the last few
points of damage. In any deck where it is legal
(Type 1/1.5), if I were playing Sligh, I would
consider this one of the core untouchable cards
of my deck.
In casual, this won't get played as much. The
decks usually don't focus on killing as fast as
possible, especially in multiplayer, so this is
just a 6 mana card, which is too high for its
In limited, this is great. All burn spells are
good, and to be able to push through the last
few poins of damage or take out a creature is
Constructed: 5
Casual: 2.5
Limited: 4 |

* game store owner (The Game Closet - Waco,TX)
* pro tour player |
What a good card to
end this week's Card of the Day with. This card
is just nuts scary. It is effectively four
damage for free. This is one of the cards that
most players missed after the extended rotation
a while back. This card is waaaaaaaay good.
Casual players
aren't has hyped about this card as constructed
players. However, if they knew what was good
for them, they would be interested :)
In limited play,
this would be a great spell to have. You can
kill a creature or you can blast your opponent.
Constructed: 4.5
Casual: 2
Limited: 3

Jeff Zandi
5 Time Pro Tour
Level 2 Judge |
Possibly the greatest red card ever printed. When
it was legal, every mono
red deck held four of these. You would cringe
when, at the end of your turn,
your opponent would ask you "What life are you
at?" An announcement of any
number less than ten or twelve usually meant that
your opponent had a couple
of Fireblast in his hand and was going to kill
you. I had a set of four of
these hand stamped as dangerous cargo by American
Airlines as a joke. I
still have them. Airport personnel used to have a
better sense of humor back
then. This card didn't have much of a life span in
limited, but it is
obviously good in any format. Attempts to include
this card in decks that
were not FULL of mountains usually were
disappointing, though.
LIMITED: 4.0 |

* Level 3 DCI Judge
*Game Store Owner (Gamer's Edge) |
One of the first alternate casting cost spells
that heralded the end of Magic, this card ended
up being only one of two that had a profound
effect on the constructed environment, the other
being Force of Will of course. This card
revolutionized sligh decks everywhere, and was a
mainstay in the deck for years. It totally lacks
flavor, but this card is one that deserves a
place in the hall of fame.
Casual: 1
Constructed: 4
Limited: 3 |
* Level 1 DCI
*game store employee
* gaming for over 15 years |
The card so good it makes you want to slap your
mama. I love this card and always have. I played
this card till the color wore off. Who cares
that it cost 6 mana total if you want to hard
cast it. Many a player has set across from a
Sligh player and heard the dreaded phrase “whats
you life total at?” and then watched there life
total disappear because of two sacked mountains.
Before the big extended rotation I played sligh
pretty much exclusively and I like that at any
time you could have the ability to do four
damage. Quake in fear of the FIREBLAST. It a
good card in all formats and recieves my highest
rating possible in all formats. In my perfect
world Fireblast will be in the core set every
time its printed.
Constructed 5
Casual 5
Limited 5 |
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
This card will make any veteran of old-school
Magic roll his eyes back as they remember how
often they had to hear, “End of turn, Incinerate
you, Incinerate you. My turn, cast Ball
Lightning, attack. Fireblast, Fireblast, game?”
Well, maybe not that exact order of spells, but
some other combination of the above that managed
to do 20 in a ridiculously short amount of time.
Fireblast defined the mono-red deck for a very
long time, and continues to do so in some Type 1.5
and Type 1 decks.
have to say that I missed a lot of the drafting
that involved Visions; this card still seems to be
just fine, however. The alternate casting cost
makes it more flexible than something like
Pinpoint Avalanche. Four damage is also pretty
significant in a world of big creatures like
Visions draft.
Casually, if you like to play a lot of burn to
throw at peoples head, then this is the card to
have. I just don’t think the burn deck can be
terribly popular (or fun) though. Frankly, RR4 is
not a terribly common casting cost in Magic,
therefore it’s also not common in Mental Magic.
You also have Rain of Salt available at this
casting cost, as well as Crater Hellion; you’ll
get more card advantage out of those.
Constructed: 4.5
Limited: 3.5
Casual: 2.5

Chapman |
Fireblast is a classic
card that pushed Sligh and Burn over the top. This
card is just sick because of the alternate casting
cost. There are just too many situations that this
card helps out in and most of those result in game
over and a win. I don't think most magic players
can count the number of times they heard, "I'll
sac 2 mountains to deal the final points to you."
Constructed - A solid
card that fits the aggressive style of both Burn
and Sligh - 4
Limited - A great
card that doubles as strong removal - 4.5
Casual - Smoke 'em
if you got 'em (kind of mean though) - 4
PEZ - Another
signature card in this format, no Red deck should
be without 4 copies - 5
Secret Squirrel
on the Boards |
Fireblast was a good addition to Extended Sligh
decks. Ball Lightning, Fireblast, is 10 damage
in 1 turn, which would frequently finish off the
opponent fairly quickly. Now that blast isn’t
Extended legal anymore, it isn’t as big of a
force. If it was reprinted, it would see a lot
of play. The alternate casting costs of spells
was a great mechanic, maybe too strong, but it
works perfectly with blast.
In Casual, why sac lands? Casual doesn’t need
Slighs insane speed. Just go for Searing Wind.
Constructed: 4 (old) 2 (new)
Casual: 2 |