
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
of Oaks
8th Edition Rare
Urza's Legacy Rare
Reviewed March 18, 2004
Constructed: 2.4
Casual: 4
Limited: 3.3
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based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews

game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut.com |
Giant Squirrels!!
Eeeeek! This is actually a pretty good card
when it comes down to it. While it's constructed
play will be mainly in Casual, what a casual card
it is. There are so many uses for it other than
just, "Hey, make my attacker big." It's also
creature removal against your opponent. He
attacks, you block, then pump to kill his and save
yours. It also can save one of your
creatures from direct damage if you pump in
response. Then, there is always the ever popular
kill shot. Attack... no blockers? Ah, then pump my
guy to SMASH your face. Versatility is a very key
factor in what makes a card playable, and Might of
Oaks demonstrates that in a big way. Literally.
Also, being an instant gives it the element of
surprise. And let's be honest here. That is a
critical factor between this card being terrible
and great. So great it is, in a casual sort of
sense. In
limited, this guy is brutal. If you can get
your opponent down to 9 or 10, he is easily within
lethal range if he doesn't block everything every
time. And again, it also works as creature
destruction and creature saving. Very nice and a
high pick in draft.
Casual: 5
Limited: 4
Current Price:
MIght of
Oaks $3.15

*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
A popular casual
card from time to time, the ability to sneak in
7 points of damage when your opponent doesn't
expect it is kind of nice. Unfortunately, the
deck that would be most likely to use this,
elves, has 3 cards that do it much better. So
this falls into the casual only realm.
In limited, it's a
great finisher when your opponent isn't looking.
I'd play it.
Constructed: 2
Casual: 4
Limited: 3.5

* game store owner (The Game Closet - Waco,TX)
* pro tour player
* Scrye writer since 2002 |
Might of Oaks
Hey, now here's a
card that really packs a punch. I think it's
funny that someone always gripes when they lose
to this card in constructed games. They always
feel like it's a 'random' card or a 'little kid'
card. Either way, juicing a guy up is big bad
I would love to take
this card at the super trick in my limited deck
to be able to finish matches. This would be the
scariest thing ever to have to worry about.
Casual players love big creatures. Casual
players like making big creatures bigger. You
do the math.
Constructed: 3
(being a little bit generous)
Casual: 4
Limited: 3

Jeff Zandi
5 Time Pro Tour
Level 2 Judge |
Mighty Oaks
When this card first came out, there was a bit of
concern over the cost, which was rather high for a
pump up effect at the time. When you draft 8th
edition online nowadays, this card is actually
quite a hit. If this card also gave trample, it
could be worthy for constructed. As it is, this
card is all limited, all the time.

Van Zandt |
Might of Oaks
An expensive giant growth in a lot of situations
(as in, a combat trick that
will probably kill a creature while saving yours.
2 if you're lucky). In
the other situations, it's the win, as a +7 to the
dome. So it's good in
general, although in constructed it takes a very
specific deck to be worth
more at 4 mana than giant growth is worth at 1.
Constructed 2.5
Casual 4
Limited 3.5 |

* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer
*Game Store Owner (Gamer's Edge) |
Might of Oaks
Might of Oaks is a
fantastic card in my opinion. It reeks of
Timmy-ness, and is even playable is some formats.
I mean, what’s more fantastic than +7/+7 for only
4 mana? And the picture is quality as well, a
favorite of squirrel lovers everywhere. This is
one of the cards that Wizards balanced right,
maintaining cost, flavor, and playability.
* Level 1 DCI
*game store employee
* gaming for over 15 years |
Might of Oaks Well
+7/+7 isn’t that bad at instant speed. I have seen
a local player kill many a person in Friday night
Magic with this card. it’s a pretty self
explanatory card for what you get. The mana cost
is set high enough that its not abusive. Its fun
in casual play and in limited it could be used as
a kill spell. In constructed its not quite strong
enough to make the cut.
Constructed 2.5
Casual 3
Limited 3 |
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
Might of Oaks
This certainly puts
a shocked expression on the face of your opponent
if you manage to sneak a creature past them and
crush them with this for a win. Both fun and
exciting for everyone! While I wouldn’t call this
“good” it does have a certain surprise value that
can swing a game in pretty short order.
In group games, who
doesn’t love squirrels, especially a squirrel the
size of a commuter bus? I think this thing is pure
fun, just so you can heckle your opponent because
he got smashed in the face by a squirrel wielding
an uprooted tree. There are better creatures to
use with G3 in Mental Magic, but if the window to
kill someone with this is there, you’ve got access
to it.
It’s a trick, but
an expensive one. This card was just a really
expensive Giant Growth for Saga-block draft;
access to Symbiosis and other cards made it a
little difficult to justify using this. It’s not
unplayable by any means, but not a first-pick by
any means.
Constructed: 2.5
Casual: 4.0
Limited: 3.0 |
Secret Squirrel
on the
Boards |
Might of Oaks
It’s rare that aggressive green
will leave 4 mana open before damage goes on the
stack. When they do, the opponent will get
suspicious and block all the creatures. The fact
that Oaks doesn’t give the creature trample is
also a downside. But you can use it pump up your
own blocker, but once again, the opponent will get
suspicious if you leave 4 mana open. All in all,
not too good for Constructed.
In Casual, this where it gets
fun. Huge creatures = good.
In Limited, it isn’t favorable
for the same reasons in constructed. Though it is
a little better as it gives your opponent a big
threat to deal with.
Constructed: 2
Casual: 4
Limited: 2.5 |