game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut.com |
Affinity... Broodstar...RAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
Casual: Affinity...
Limited: Lots of
Artifacts... Broodstar...RAAAARRR!
Me: Sick...Bleh...sorry
for the wimpy review... =(
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 3.5
Current Price:

*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
A keystone for
Mirrodin affinity decks, this can very quickly
get out of hand. Unfortunately, it's lost its
"finisher" spot to Arcbound Ravager and
Disciple of the Vault now that Darksteel is
out. It doesn't really fit anywhere else, so
it's now a card without a home.
This really isn't
a casual card, as it only fits into a semi
agressive deck, so while it might be much more
effective than in competitive constructed,
people might just refuse to play against you.
In Mirrodin
limited, you have plenty of artifacts to make
this the bomb it is. Play it if you can.
Constructed: 3
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 5

* game store owner (The Game Closet - Waco,TX)
* pro tour player
* Scrye writer since 2002 |
If we had reviewed
this card about three weeks ago I would have
rated it a four in constructed play.
Unfortunately, the affinity decks that use this
card have all but given up on it and replaced it
with faster cards. So he's stock is falling in
tournament play lately.
If you are in blue
and playing heavy artifacts, you definitely take
this guy. He is "King Affinity" after all.
Casual guys like this guy, but in most casual
games it doesn't seem to last long.
Constructed: 3
Casual: 2
Limited: 3

Jeff Zandi
5 Time Pro Tour
Level 2 Judge |
current limited AND constructed formats, Broodstar
is the undisputed king of Affinity. Considered a
bomb that you almost HAVE to draft whenever you
see him, Broodstar is quite a bit better in
constructed decks. Many pro players have
complained that in limited, Broodstar can end up
being only a medium sized flyer, not amazingly
valuable for the extra trouble that comes with
having to play Affinity.

Van Zandt |
Well, since he's in with all those spiffy
artifacts in his set, he's got
his uses in block/t2 and limited. Though while
I've seen him own games,
I've also seen him played as a 7 or 8 mana
mediocre flier and die
immediately. He's much prettier when he's
greaves'd up. I don't expect him
to see much extended play, especially with tinker
gone, but ya never know.
Constructed 2.5
Casual 3.5
limited 3.5 |

* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer
*Game Store Owner (Gamer's Edge) |
Hate this card. It’s
not a matter of being jealous from losing to it so
often. Its simply too powerful in a dedicated
deck. Broodstar should have Affinity, OR power and
toughness equal to artifacts, but nor BOTH. It
makes the card exponentially better for each
artifact in play, instead of slightly better. Once
you hit 4 artifacts, the card is more than
adequately costed. When you hit 6 artifacts, it is
the best-costed card in any format, and in a set
where half the cards are artifacts, this is not a
difficult thing. I don’t think this card is
broken, I just think it was a mistake.
Limited: 2 |
* Level 1 DCI
*game store employee
* gaming for over 15 years |
Broodstar Hey who of
us is not afraid of a big bug that looks like its
throwing up on people. Its exspensive to cast but
not really. It can be huge or it can be small. It
made a major showing in constructed when Mirrodin
was released and still finds its way into affinity
decks from time to time. Broodstar has kind of
went to the wayside now that affinity decks are
running arcboun ravager. In Limited hes not at
strong a card because unless you open it first
pack in a draft you cant build around it. In
casual play it as good as constructed. it’s a
Constructed 3
Casual 3
Limited 2 |
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
Affinity played
this guy the first run through standard. Now he’s
been supplanted by Arcbound Ravager, and the
entire archetype has been turned on its head.
Still a pretty powerful card, he’ll show up now
and again, but he’s definitely not in the same
demand he was when Mirrodin first showed up.
I guess this guy is
more for the constructed players than casual; he’s
still a pretty solid investment for people,
however. He’s a little more fun in casual games
than, “Sacrifice all my artifacts to my Ravager,
take 8 from Disciple, kill you,” on turn 4. If you
manage to get a Broodstar in play in Mental Magic,
you are extra-spiffy and get to have cake.
Affinity as an
archetype is still an absolute powerhouse in
draft, and this guy still tops the curve in that
deck. Draft him high and start looking for Myr
Enforcers and artifact lands.
Constructed: 3.5
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 4.0 |
Secret Squirrel
on the
Boards |
Broodstar is what makes Affinity
shine, although I do not believe that this is the
main focus of the deck. Star is a finisher. Yes it
finishes very quickly, but the Enforcers and
Frogmites cause most of the damage. There isn’t
that much to say about Star that hasn’t already
been said, it’s extremely good in Constructed.
In Casual, meh, it’s an
expensive ($$$) rare. I would rather make a
uncommon/common affinity
In Limited, it’s still good. A
reason to switch to blue in the early stages of a