
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Reviewed February xx, 2004
Constructed: 4.29
Casual: 3.79
Limited: 4.50
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews

*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
Tuesday - Skullclamp
Wow. Why more
people where I play are not playing this
card, I have no idea. ANY aggro deck, and
yes I do mean ANY, should have 4 of these in
the deck WITHOUT HESITATION. Any deck that
has at least 25% creatures (15+) should also
be running this. I'd consider this in a deck
with as few as 8 creatures.
This has taken
one of the major blue mechanics, card
drawing, and given it to the masses. It's
stuff like this that will stop blue's
stranglehold on the game, because as long as
bule has sole possession of good card
drawing and decent countering, people will
play blue.
In limited, it's
another no-brainer.
In casual, yet
another no-brainer. Even though you won't
draw the cards right away, it makes all of
your creatures replaceable.
Constructed: 5
Casual: 5
Limited: 5

* game store owner (The Game Closet - Waco,TX)
* pro tour player
* Scrye writer since 2002 |
Tuesday - Skullclamp
I want to lead
off by saying that I think this card is
overhyped. It seems like every deck right
now that has anything that says "Creature -
" on a card in the deck is playing this
thing. I think it's a great card. It's
probably as strong of a card as we will see
out of R&D for a little while. Don't get my
wrong, the card is good. It's just a bit
overhyped. There's no real secret or
strategy to Skullclamp. You simply cast
it. Equip it. Rinse. Repeat. This also
goes well with such wonderful flavors as
Solemn Simulacrum.
Casual players
probably won't be able to make great use of
this card. They can obviously play this and
get some neat tricks from it. However, I
think most will pass on them right now while
they are reaching the $5 point. In the end
though, I'd expect most casual players to
see the light and play these cards.
Limited players
love this card. It's an extremely high
draft pick. If Bonesplitter is good,
Skullclamp is twice as amazing.
Constructed: 4
Casual: 3
Limited: 4

Jeff Zandi
5 Time Pro Tour
Level 2 Judge |
Maybe the best single card printed in the past
five years. It puts card drawing into virtually
any deck, constructed or limited, regardless of
color. All you need are creatures, preferably
creatures you can kill by equipping with the
Clamp. Of course, if you Clamp up a fat beast
and attack with him long enough, your opponent
will usually be forced to kill it, drawing you
cards aplenty. This card is ALREADY having a
major impact on constructed and Darksteel has
barely become legal for constructed formats.
This card is so good it could get banned. Hard
to believe this card was printed.
LIMITED: 5.0 |

*DCI Tournament Organizer
*Game Store Owner (Gamer's Edge) |
Ah, the broken card
of Darksteel. It’s hard to say much about this
card that has not already been said. Yes, it’s
great in draft. Yes, its great in constructed. I
have no idea how "fun" it would be in casual,
but I'm sure you can come up with some funky
combo's with it soon enough. My only complaint
with this card is simple; an uncommon should on
cost me $5.
* Level 1 DCI
*game store employee
* gaming for over 15 years |
By far the most talked about card from the
Darksteel set. The bane of all weenie style
decks is that you run out of cards to play and
this card will fix that. Also the bane of
creature deck is the mass kill spells like Wrath
of God and equipping your creatures with this
makes it to where the mass kill doesn’t hurt as
bad. Look for this card to make its way into a
lot of decks that don’t even need it. One of the
bad things about cards that are this good is
that players will put it in a lot of deck that
cant abuse it. Watch this cards value go pretty
high. This card will most likely will be in a
lot of type two decks for all the time it is
legal. In limited this cards pretty dang good
and I would draft it early. In casual play it’s
a good card for the weenie deck players and I
would rank it up there with cards like Rancor.
Constructed 4
Limited 4
Casual 4 |
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
Dumb. It’s
absolutely ridiculous in every possible way.
The only reason this card won’t see a 5 in
constructed it because it’s not as playable in
the control decks; however, this card has
single-handedly run many of the control decks
out of the environment. Get four.
There has been a
running argument over whether there is a card in
Darksteel that you take over this. I’ve made
some arguments and been shouted down multiple
times. It’s worth more than many of the rares
in the set, for Pete’s sake (and if you know who
this Pete guy is, please let me know, tks).
I’ll just say it’s a
5 for casual. It works in Mental Magic, and it
works in every deck with creatures. Move along.
Constructed: 4.5
Limited: 5.0
Casual: 5.0
Chase |
I find this card to be better and better in my
Goblin deck. Sac a billion creatures via Sledder,
power up the Sharpshooter, then draw a billion
cards! Great in Weenie, and pretty good in beat
down. Good in other decks too, but Weenies can
take more advantage of the speed.
In Casual, it s pretty good. Get lots of 1/2s
and 2/2s then slap these on em.
In Limited, it s still good, but you can t as
much advantage of the speed as I would like to.
It draws two cards, for in effect 2 mana, which
is good.
Constructed: 4
Casual: 3
Limited: 3.5