
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Wretched Anurid
Onslaught Common
Reviewed March 5, 2004
Constructed: 2.5
Casual: 2.1
Limited: 2.2
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based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews

game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut.com |
This guy is great
if you have a fast deck, especially if you're
going first. But beware of things like
Pacifism, as it will likely be the death of
you unless you find a way to off your own Anurid.
Wretched Anurid is a double edged sword. If you
know how to wield it, you can do some serious
damage, often unto the death of your opponent. But
in fumbling hands, this sword can turn on you and
be your own death.
Trouble is, he
doesn't have a place to fit in today's
environment. It would be a nice suicide black
card, but there isn't a current suicide build. He
doesn't make it in casual, as casual is more about
fat and tricks than quickness. His place to shine,
or in some cases, hurt yourself, is limited.
But again, beware the Pacifism.
Casual: 1.5
Limited: 3
Current Price:

*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
Friday - Wretched
Finally, to a
stand alone Onslaught card. You get a 3/3
body for 2 mana, but you take damage
whenever a creature comes into play. If you
can get going quick enough, you can possibly
steal the game before your opponent gets set
up. Otherwise, he'll either be Wrathed away,
or worse yet, your opponent will play a
bunch of creatures (or cycle a huge Decree),
killing you.
Limited is too
creature reliant to even think about
something like this.
I wouldn't run
this in casual either. Although you could
surprise someone with a quick deck, the
hazard of someone having creatures increases
almost exponentially with the number of
players in the game.
Constructed: 3
Casual: 2
Limited: 1.5

* game store owner (The Game Closet - Waco,TX)
* pro tour player
* Scrye writer since 2002 |
Friday - Wretched Anurid
I love this guy. Usually when you get an
undercosted creature, they have a HUGE
drawback. However, this guys drawback isn't
so bad. You can even make use of him in a
Zombie deck. You can play him in a beat
deck and when he get out of hand, you can
feel free to sacrifice him to Ravenous
Baloth. It's unfortunate that his time in
the standard environment is now limited,
because this was a highly underused and
underrated creature.
Casual players hate losing life. This
statement is waaaaay true. They hate losing
life even more so from their own cards.
Lots of casual players hate pain lands.
Lots of casual players hate City of Brass.
They will definitely not like this guy.
Besides, in casual games, four or five
creatures may get cast before it's even your
turn again.
In limited, this guy's play value is totally
dependent on what you draft to go along with
Constructed: 3
Casual: 1
Limited: 2

Jeff Zandi
5 Time Pro Tour
Level 2 Judge |
Wretched Anurid
In the Onslaught block limited environment, this
guy was loved by a lot of
people and hated by many others. Generally, this
card was a great play on
turn two in aggressive red/black Onslaught draft
decks, or draft decks with
a lot of Tribal capabilities centering on Zombies.
This guy has been no big
hit in constructed. He appears occasionally in
casual mono black decks.

* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer
*Game Store Owner (Gamer's Edge) |
Wretched Anurid
I'm not gonna lie, 2 mana for a 3/3 is good
times where I come from. This guy lays the beats
and lays them quick. And he's a zombie, so he
gets all the benefits of being a zombie: rotting
flesh, eternal life, exciting nightlife. Oh, and
he also can be pumped and affected by zombie
based cards. While his loss of life "problem"
can cause you some rough times, I think this guy
is very playable and suggest it.
Casual: 3
Constructed: 3
Limited: 2
* Level 1 DCI
*game store employee
* gaming for over 15 years |
I personally have always like this beast. A low
mana cost for a 3/3 that’s drawback is easy to
deal with. Playing this guy on turn one or turn
two can make put your opponent on a real clock.
In a zombie deck I would just make sure to play
him with creatures like greater harvester or
Nantuko Husk so that you can get rid of him when
his lose a life ability gets out of control.
Constructed 2
Limited 2
Casual 2.5 |
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
Wretched Anurid
3/3’s for two are supposed to make it into
constructed decks in droves, especially ones
with minimal drawbacks. This poor guy, however,
just hasn’t been able to make the cut anywhere,
mostly because the control decks have been so
good for so long that we haven’t been able to
see a real aggressive deck make a run. Maybe
it’s possible that this guy will get in with the
recent resurgence of aggro that has come about
due to Skullclamp.
In limited, this guy went back and forth
between, “Love him! BEATDOWN!” and, “I hate that
guy, get him out of that pile you call a deck.”
With the number of morphs available in the set,
you were almost always guaranteed to take some
quick pain from this guy if you dropped him on
turn two. The damage he dealt generally made up
for it in pretty short order. The availability
of Nantuko Husk and Carrion Feeder in the same
block kept him from being bad if you drew him in
a tight spot.
In casual play, this guy is just begging to have
random creature-generators played against him.
For Mental Magic, while he’s not bad as beatdown,
this casting cost generally almost always has so
much it can do that you’ll probably never see
Constructed: 2.0
Limited: 3.0
Casual: 2.0
Chase |
Wretched Anurid
Meant for Suicide Black IMO. It isn t that bad,
as people probably won t block this (so as to
continue the loss of life) but the damage will
add up. Combine with Loxodon Warhammer, and you
could have a pretty quick damage dealer. I have
a SB deck and it runs this, Grinning Demon, and
Bane of the Living. With Greaves and Warhammer,
it gets scary.
In Casual, I d rather slap down a fatty that
doesn t have drawbacks. Casual isn t about
speed. Plus I d rather have a Zombie based deck
which this doesn t go in.
In Limited, you can t take advantage of the
speed as much as you can in Constructed. Plus,
in limited, you want to have a lot creatures. I
d pass.
Constructed: 3.5
Casual: 2
Limited: 2 |