
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Vedalken Orrery
Fifth Dawn Rare
Reviewed May 13, 2004
Constructed: 3
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 2.3
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
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Card of the Day Reviews

game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut |
Oof...An amazing
ability that could change the face of the game.
Unfortunately, its relatively high casting cost
will probably prevent it from a dominate place in
a mainstream deck.
In limited, it's
pretty good. Since limited games tend to carry on
longer, having the ability to play creatures as an
instant at anytime is crazy good. The
surprise factor, or even the POTENTIAL of it, will
cause your opponent to play differently and most
likely less optimally.
In casual, this has
fun abusive combo written all over it. Not
sure what will evolve from it just yet, but I'm
sure Spike will find something crazy to do with
Casual: 4
Limited: 3.5
Current Price:
Orrery -
Fifth Dawn - TBA |

*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
At first, there was Vernal Equinox. The symmetry
of that crad, along with the limiting to certain
types of cards, left that card without a home.
Now, we have a card that will truly let you play
ANY spell as an instant. And no, your opponent
doesn't get to play too.
I have a feeling that someone will make up a
very abusive deck with this card. I can't see
it, but a one sided powerful effect usually
doesn't go unabused for too long these days.
In limited, it doesn't give you enough "oomph"
to warrent the slot.
I can pretty much guarantee this will get a lot
of play in casual. A big, splashy effect usually
Constructed: 4.5
Casual: 5
Limited: 1

* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer
*Game Store Owner (Gamer's Edge) |
Vedalken Orrey
Yesterday I talked
about how I did not look at Staff of Domination as
an engine card. Well, that’s ok, because I would
consider this card one. The ability to play ANY
CARD as an instant, be it artifact, equipment,
enchantment, creature, or sorcery, breaks a
fundamental rule of Magic, and it’s the cards that
break the rules of Magic that become engine cards.
While it does not grant the free aspect that
Aluren does, it has the same potential for
different cards. If nothing else, it forces the
opponent into playing a game they are unfamiliar
with, and for that reason alone can win you games,
as they make a critical mistake not knowing what
you can do when the card is in play. There’s a lot
of potential for this card in a lot of places.
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
Everyone’s first
response was to go, “Oooh! Instant Wrath of
God!” While that actually might be a decent
thought in another environment, I really don’t see
this making any sort of impact in real tournament
Magic. It’s too slow, it doesn’t offer any sort
of additional cards; basically, I think that this
is probably best in control mirror-matches, and
there simply aren’t enough of those to make a
world of difference. This is completely ignoring
the amounts of artifact-hate that are running
around nowadays as well.
Maybe this has a fun
role in group and emporer-style games; I can see
this working out nicely there. Other casual
formats could just use this for fun; it’s
certainly going to be amusing to spit out random
creatures and sorceries whenever you feel like
it. I wouldn’t bother considering this for Mental
or Prismatic, however.
This is something
that’ll probably make its way to you very, very
late in drafts, unless you’re feeling in a mood to
be very cute or you are rare-drafting. It isn’t a
terribly functional card, other than to allow you
to perform amusing combat tricks with creatures in
your hand. On that merit alone, I see it having a
little use, but that’s amusement more than
practicality speaking.
Constructed: 2.0
Casual: 3.0
Limited: 2.0

At first glance,
this card looks ridiculous. I'm not sure what
to think of it honestly. Speculation went
rampant on Upwelling a while back and look what
happened. I'm going to go with conservative
ratings on this one and wait it out.
Constructed: 2.5
Casual: 2
Limited: 1.5

Jeff Zandi
5 Time Pro Tour
Level 2 Judge |
Vedalken Orrery
The ability that this artifact provides to play
any non-land card in your
hand as an instant is very powerful, indeed. The
problem is that you have to
give up your third or fourth turn in order to cast
Vedalken Orrery. Passive
combo cards like this usually end up seeming like
fairly good ideas but
generally fail to end up in really good decks. In
limited, giving up your
third or fourth turn by tapping out to cast this
card seems really bad. Once
the Orrery is in play, it certainly would be fun
to watch your opponent
continually afraid to attack into you when you
have a lot of untapped mana.
For many intents and purposes, this card works a
little like cards that give
your creatures Haste. Those cards never caught on
much in many formats
constructed or limited. Everybody knows I am not
the combo king, so it's
hard for me to like this card, I'd have to say
that this card is card
disadvantage, and we don't like card disadvantage.
LIMITED: 2.5 |
Secret Squirrel
on the
Boards |
Vedalken Orrery
I don't know what to make of this card. It seems
pretty good. Play
anything you want as an instant. Wrath as an
instant. Play all blue card
drawing spells as an instant. Any power of a
sourcery at an instant. To do
that for 4 mana isn't that bad of a price. Super
fun in casual, though I'm
not sure how this will do in constructed. 4 mana
might be too much...
though I would be willing to pay that for this
effect. I'm gonna say that
it's good however because there are so fez
instants and to play something on
your opponents turn is very powerful.
In limited, I'd play it also. They swing with a
fatty, then you immediately
play your puny creature to prevent the damage.
Constructed: 4
Casual: 4
Limited: 4 |

Chapman |
Vedalken Orrey scares
me. Although a bit pricey it looks like it has
great potential for abusive decks. I expect we
will see it in use soon and it will pop up as a
critical card in decks from now until the end of
Magic. Maybe not a powerhouse but it allows many
other cards to be abuseive.
Constructed - True
potential for the thinking man - 3.5
Limited - Some
benefit but not amazing - 2.5
Casual - Many
combos will be really interesting during someone
else's turn - 4.0