
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Fifth Dawn Common
Reviewed May 25, 2004
Constructed: 2.2
Casual: 3.2
Limited: 3.1
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based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews

game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut |
Dawn's Reflection
is a really decent mana accelerator for a slower
environment. For those of you that aren't sure,
when you tap the mana that this is attached to, it
produces THREE mana total, two of them the color
of your choice. Besides acceleration, it gives you
the ability to HIGHLY smooth your mana, and makes
5 color decks realistic. Though it might have a
difficult time currently, we'll have to see what
happens when Kamigawa hits the scene in 4 months.
In the meantime,
Reflection turns out to be an exceptional card for
Casual players that want to build viable 5 color
or multi color decks that are going after fat.
If either are your goal, it's something to
consider. In
limited... omg... I played a couple drafts this
weekend at the Pre-Release. Reflection was a
perfect fit in several Sunburst decks. Yes,
Virginia, Sunburst is viable in DRAFT (though
probably not so much in Sealed Deck). If you
can draft a few, along with some Sylvok Explorers
and Wayfarer's Baubles, you will be well on your
way to being able to playing any Sunburst or
multicolor card you'd like. You still go
with a base of 2 main colors, maybe three, Green
obviously being one of them, and then add some
Sunburst items, and voila! If you get enough
Sylvok Explorers in your deck, you can easily get
this down turn 3 and by turn 4 have 7 mana
available. I did it all draft long. I tell
you, throwing down fat 5/5 Skyreach Mantas and 6/6
Sawtooth Threshers starting turn four is hella
fun. But I don't think my opponent's were having
much fun. =/
Casual: 4
Limited: 4
Current Price:
Reflection -
Fifth Dawn - $0.25
Fifth Dawn Now On Sale!)
Well With:
Sunburst items
Fat Stuff
those of you that are interested in
cards, I have the
Card Pictures available for your
perusal through my auctions. There are some
really amazing cards in this new set, and you'll
definitely want to stop by and take a look!
AND...as a BONUS for my loyal readers...if
you bid on and win one of my Fifth Dawn eBay
auctions this week, mention that you found it
through my Card of the Day blurb, and I'll throw
in a
Free Rare
(of my choice) with each auction you win!
(Just email me at the close of the auction with
your auction info and mention this column!)

*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
Dawn's Reflection
A super Fertile Ground. It costs twice as much,
and gives you twice as much mana as Fertile
Ground does. The mana can be of two different
colors, so it is a great sunburst help.
Unfortunately, it does too little to see
inclusion in a constructed deck (serious or
casual). Serious players will play Joiner Adept,
Birds of Paradise and City of Brass, while
casual plaers will just play Crystal Quarry
In limited, it's mana fixing, and sunburst
enabling. The fact that so many cards in this
set want 5 colors of mana would make me want to
play this.
Constructed: 1.5
Casual: 2.5
Limited: 4

* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer
*Game Store Owner (Gamer's Edge) |
Dawn's Reflection
Fertile Ground times
two, that's what we have here. Its a bit high
costed as a Mana acceleration tool, but as a
mana fixer its a wonderful tool. It helps clear
up multicolored draft decks, is great for Type
Dan Gray, five color, and for starburst in any
format. I can see this card getting a lot of
play in casual formats, and just being an
overall good utility card to have in Magic.
Constructed: 2
Casual: 3
Limited: 3
Jeff Zandi |
Ordinarily, this
enchantment would be too expensive to think
about playing in limited formats. However, there
are many advantages to having access to a lot
of different colors of mana in Fifth Dawn, and
this card can solve a lot of mana problems. No
matter what, this is still a slow card, taking
away from you the very important turn four (turn
three if you're lucky). In the current limited
formats, this card definately has a place. Don't
know about playing more than one in your deck
though. It's good, but not great. In constructed
play, this card looks rather casual, although I
could imagine it as part of a Sunburst-friendly
Mirrodin block constructed deck.
2 Grand
Prix Top 8's
Multiple Pro Tour
appearances |
Dawn’s Reflection
While this doesn’t
bring a lot to constructed play, at first
glance, I can see potential for it if the
environment slows down a bit, performing a very
similar purpose as Explosive Vegetation did
during Onslaught-block. It’s marginal at best
for the moment, but we’ll see how this might
work out in block-constructed. Standard, access
to Fertile Ground and Rampant Growth keep this
on the second tier, at best.
This is just another
way to diversify color in group games and the
like, though probably inferior to the large
numbers of other cards (like Veggies) that do
similar things. It is superior to Undergrowth,
which saw play in decks that included Earthcraft.
Again ,for Mental, you have better options with
this mana cost.
The power of
sunburst in draft has already been made clear to
me; I’d definitely consider this card for any
deck with a high curve or with more than one
card with sunburst. It’s acceleration to fat or
a way to do absurd things with sunburst; it is
slow, but it does bring quite a bit to the
table. Don’t pick it ahead of really good
creatures, but don’t let it slide.
Constructed: 2.5
Casual: 2.5
Limited: 3.0

* game store owner (The Game Closet - Waco,TX)
* pro tour player
* Scrye writer since 2002 |
Dawn's Reflection
For making mana,
this card is pretty crazy. I'd expect this card
to be great within the casual player community.
Not only that, it fits in perfectly with the
theme of this set by being able to produce any
mana you need.
The casting cost is
a bit prohibitive, but that definitely won't
stop a lot of players and decks from making use
of this card. In limited play, I'd probably
pass on this card unless I had some high casting
cost cards that I was worried about having to
Constructed: 2.5
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 2

Chapman |
Dawn's Reflection is
expensive for any mana boosting/color fixing
enchantment. By the time it hits the table, mana
acceleration for most decks isn't needed.
Likewise, well constructed decks should have been
able to stabilize their color mix by this point as
well. Even with a 2 mana boost I simply cannot
justify playing this card instead of low cost
Constructed - May see
some play but lower cost options are simply better
- 2.0
Casual - Longer
games and more mana intensive decks may make this
card a decent choice - 2.5
Limited - If you
are forced into 3 colors it may be needed and may
help with Sunburst - 2.5