
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Urza's Saga Uncommon
Reviewed November 11, 2004
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based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews

game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut |
Ouch! Take THAT,
Affinity. This puppy can wreck an Affinity
deck faster than you can blink. Meltdown
used to take a kick at Academy decks, and then,
after a while of feeling depressed and useless,
has found a new purpose in life against Artifact's
newest darling, Affinity.
Highly situational in
every way. Other than as a sideboard card
against very specialized decks, Meltdown really
has little purpose. In limited, I suppose it
can side in against a nasty artifact, but this is
a low pick (if you ever, for some bizarre reason,
happen to draft Saga). In casual, again, it
can come in in the case of one of your opponent's
having a nasty Artifact deck. Otherwise,
leave it at home in the shoebox under your bed.
4 (situationally)
Casual: 4 (situationally)
Limited: 1.5
Current Price:
Meltdown -
Urza's Saga - $0.99
Well Against:
Ravager -
Darksteel - $15.11

Judge Bill
*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
From affinity to affinity hoser. Semifinalist
Oliver Ruel had this in the sideboard of his
goblin deck with Burning Wish. A very powerful
strategy against the affinity deck, as it
typically will get everything but Myr Enforcers.
As affinity has won the Pro Tour (due to too
many people thinking affinity wouldn't be there,
due to all the hate), this should see some
sideboard play during the next Extended PTQ
In casual, it would take a very strange metagame
for me to play this.
Wasn't a very powerful card in Saga block
limited. If it were reprinted in Mirrodin block,
it would have made a huge impact. As it is, you
won't play ths in limited.
Constructed: 3.5
Casual: 1.5
Limited: 1

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Meltdown would have been a single card answer for
all the past year's
Affinity decks. Back in the day, Meltdown made
only a few sideboard
appearances in the era it was created, even though
the Urza's Saga block was
full of artifact and artifact-based deck
strategies. In limited play,
Meltdown was not interesting at all back in its
era, would have been
FANTASTIC during the Mirrodin era and would
probably be a sideboard card at
best in Kamigawa limited.

Ray "Monk"
* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer |
How good is this card
against affinity, or even in Vintage in general?
While relegated to the world of sideboards across
the world, this card is great for constructed, but
almost entirely useless for limited, and
completely unfun for Casual. There is, however, a
wonderful feeling in Shatterstorm-ing your
opponents Affinity deck into little pieces.

* game store owner (The
Game Closet - Waco,TX) |
I'm surprised this
card never caught on. I guess it wasprinted in the
wrong era. It seems like it could be pretty strong
right now, while everyone is tryin gto deal with
This card would seem to have very limited uses in
casual groups, but would be really strong in the
right tournament environment. Unfortunately, in
the sets you drafted this with, you would normally
pass over this card and only take it as a late
Constructed: 3
Casual: 2
Limited: 2 |
Hagan |
Meltdown --
Oh how I wish this card was still legal. Do y'all
realize how much of a monster this would be
against Affinity? "I'll pay three mana and blow
up every relevant part of your board." I guess
there's a reason it isn't around. If Affinity
ever makes a big enough splash in Extended, expect
this card to pop up.
In casual play, if you can find a way to sneak
this into your deck (or at least sideboard), then
I would suggest doing it. You have to know it
will come in handy eventually, like when a buddy
of yours says the words, "Mono-Silver".
In limited, I'm not sure there are enough
artifacts to warrant playing this card maindeck.
Honestly, it really depends on what other packs
you are playing with.
Constructed Rating: 3.0
Casual Rating: 2.5
Limited Rating: 2.0 |