
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Another Aether Vortex
Reviewed November 24, 2004
Constructed: 3.40
Casual: 3.25
Limited: 2.25
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based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews

Judge Bill
*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
Yep, that's the
sound of my mind at reading the last ability
of this card.
Combine Mass
Hysteria and Revelation, and I'm fine with
the first 2 abilities on this card. It's the
last ability that really makes my mind spin,
and makes for a wonderful wacky casual card.
I'm sure someone could find a fine way to
abuse this. (You really just need a Future
Sight like ability to really get your
mileage out of this. Or maybe you could just
use Sensei's Divining Top instead.)
In limited, it's
OK. The haste portion is marginally useful,
especially since your opponent gets to
benefit from this ability too. However, it
would take a focused deck to make the last
ability work, and I don't see it in limited.

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Yet Another Aether Vortex
This one is a little more...complicated. The
bottom line is that when the top card of your
library is a land, a creature or an enchantment,
that card is considered to be both in play under
your control (that means that a creature
enchantment would not necessarily have to be
played on your own
creature) AND YET STILL on top of your library.
I LIKE the idea that you sort of have access to
one more card than the ones in your hand. When
you block with the creature that is also the
card on top of your library, if that creature is
destroyed, it goes to the graveyard only to
reveal quite possibly another creature at the
top of your library. The thing I DON'T like is
the problem of what happens when the creature
card on top of your library, which you have been
counting as also being in play, becomes the card
that you actually draw into your hand. During
your upkeep, this creature was on top of your
library, and also considered IN PLAY. When you
draw it, however, it's no longer on top of your
library and in play, now you have to play the
creature from your hand just to CATCH UP to the
board position you enjoyed before you drew it.
That's a lot of words to explain the fact that
Yet Another Aether Vortex is not really
providing the kind of free lunch that it appears
to provide.
CONSTRUCTED: 2.5 (waiting for the inevitable
combo deck that makes it GREAT)
CASUAL: 3.5 (these guys know something I don't)
LIMITED: 3.0 |

Ray "Monk"
* Level 3 DCI Judge |
Yet Another Aether
Holy Broken Cards
Batman! Like Future Sight isn't broken enough,
let's play it with this card and just have
anything on top of our deck be playable or in
play. Not only is it
unbelievably broken, but its fun, and
great for casual play. All in all, a great card
for power and for fun.
Constructed: 5
Casual: 3
Limited: 2

Watson |
This is an interesting card. You can attack with
guys from the top of your deck. Weird
definitely. Playable, I'm not so sure. It does
work for your opponent as well, and that's
already a big risk.
Constructed: Heeeeeeell No!
Casual: 3
Limited (Un-sets only play): 2
Hagan |
Yet Another Aether Vortex --
I can't really think of anything to say about
this card. All of your dudes having haste is
acceptable, especially if you wind up with a
bomb creature on top of your deck. Of course,
your opponent will have the same advantage. Be
careful when playing this card.
In limited, I think this card might hang out in
my sideboard, if only because I don't like
arming the enemy.
Constructed Rating: 2.0
Casual Rating: 3.0
Limited Rating: 2.0 |

Van Zandt |
Yet Another Aether Vortex
A potential "1 card to go off" combo component
if i ever saw one. It should take very little
tuning to ensure that you get more benefit off
this card than your opponent, except perhaps in
constructed 4
casual 3.5
limited 2.5 |