
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Richard Garfield, Ph. D.
Reviewed November 26, 2004
Constructed: 3.40
Casual: 3.42
Limited: 2.92
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
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Card of the Day Reviews

Judge Bill
*Level 2
MTG Judge
Thursday - Richard Garfield, Ph.D.
Mr. Mental Magic himself. Insane in any casual
environment, as you get to play any card you
want, and build a deck around this.
Not so good in Unhinged limited, as you can only
choose cards that are legal in the format you're
playing in.
Casual: 5
Limited: 2 |

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Richard Garfield, Ph.D.
This doctor makes house calls, turning a deck
filled with bad spells costing 1U into a deck
filled with Time Walk, Arcane Denial, Memory
Lapse and other useful spells. I've always like
the idea of the game called "Mental Magic" where
you can play a card in your hand as any card
with the same casting cost EXCEPT the card in
your hand. Dr. Garfield saves the day again by
fully legitimizing this fun Magic game play
concept. The art on this card is SOOOO religous
in appearance that Unhinged could instantly be
banned by Wal-Mart, but to heck with 'em if they
can't take a joke. To make Richard Garfield
truly useful, you need to provide him with lots
of pens and paper and a nice environment from
which he can create amazing gaming ideas. To
make Richard Garfield, Ph.D. (the Unhinged card)
truly useful, you have to build a deck around
him with lots of cards of questionable "face
value" but powerful and popular casting costs.
It has been pointed out that once you have
Richard Garfield, Ph.D. in play, the next
Richard Garfield, Ph.D. you play is probably
going to be a Morphling. This card would
obviously have value in limited play as well,
but is pretty expensive for limited and could
end up coming into play too late into the game
to be extremely valuable.
LIMITED: 3.5 |

Ray "Monk"
* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer |
Richard Garfield,
Obviously the fun
factor in getting to treat your deck as a mental
magic deck is high, but it's powerful as well.
That being said, poor Richard is never going to
live through a round against any Magic player
worth their salt. And heaven forbid you play him
in a multi player
game, as you will be killed by every other
player who jealously realizes that they don't
get to play mental magic along with you.
Constructed: 2
Casual: 2
Limited: 2

* game store owner |
Terrible. It's mental magic. Mostly serious
players or older experienced players play mental
magic. This is not such a good card for a casual
player I don't think. For the most part, he is
an overcosted chump blocker. This guy is soooo
not as powerful as it should be. He's the
creator of the game. He deserves a much more
powerful card. I would rather it be overcosted
and unplayable and uber-powerful instead of
Constructed: Not in this lifetime.
Casual: 1.5
Limited (Un-sets only play): 2 |
Hagan |
Richard Garfield --
This guy is absolutely sick! He lets you abuse
almost every card in the game, as long as have a
decent working knowledge of a ton of Magic
cards. Mental Magic, if y'all haven't played it,
is a fun way to blow time, and you get to play
with some completely ridiculous cards. I can't
think of a bad thing to say about this card,
constructed, casual, *or* limited, so I'll just
rate it.
Constructed Rating: 3.5
Casual Rating: 4.0
Limited Rating: 3.5 |

Van Zandt |
Richard Garfield, Ph.D.
Well, he does have a big enough effect to be
worthy of his title.
Hone your mental magic skills and resolve some
proxied power 9...
sounds fun.
constructed 4
casual 4
limited 4.5 |