
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Reviewed November 26, 2004
Constructed: 2.00
Casual: 3.10
Limited: 3.60
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based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews

Judge Bill
*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
Friday - Ass Whuppin'
And finally, to the promo card from the release
Take Vindicate, a very popular card from
Apocalypse, and spin it for Unhinged, and you
get the ability to wreak havoc on any silver
bordered card you can see casually, or any
tournament game if you are playing a tournament
game. Can you say "politics?"
In limited, at the very least, it can destroy a
problem permanent that your opponent controls.
And if a previous opponent got under your skin,
just make sure you can always see his game.
Casual: 4.5
Limited: 4.5 |

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Ass Whuppin'
This card cannot be allowed! Stop these people
before they destroy the game of Magic! Oh, this
is an Unhinged card, MY BAD. Yes, this card is
pretty powerful, but its power is limited to
environments in which Unhinged or Unglued cards
are being played. These sort of play
environments have been limited to, oh, I'd say
about two weeks every six or seven years. That
makes this card pretty limited in usefulness. On
the other hand, imagine playing at a table where
everyone is playing Unhinged and three or four
players in different games all decide to play
four or five Ass Whuppin' cards against YOU.
Sick, sick, sick! This card hits you right in
your most basic Magic nightmares, where players
in other games around you get to mess with YOUR
game. Very funny stuff!
LIMITED: 2.0 |

Ray "Monk"
* Level 3 DCI Judge |
Ass Whuppin
Vindicate seemed
pretty good when it came out. While the extra
ability of the card is super fun for limited
events, its not very playable in any other
format, overall its just too narrow to be a good
Constructed: 1
Casual: 1
Limited: 4

Watson |
We all like vindicate. That's what this is. Well,
it allows you to play a Vindicate effect on ANY
silver bordered card you can see. That includes
Unglued, not just Unhinged. In that regard it's
great. And it's awesome fun.
Constructed: Are you kidding me?!
Casual: 4.5
Limited (Un-sets only play): 4 |
Hagan |
Ass Whuppin' --
I guess I can't complain about targeted removal
that hits any permenant. If Vindicate was good
(which it was), then Ass Whuppin' has to be
decent. It does only hit cards from Unglued and
Unhinged, which is a huge drawback for any
serious gaming, but it is otherwise an extremely
solid card.
In limited, if you have black and white in your
deck, this card gets to see play. Even if you
have the game in the bag, you can wreck other
players in the room, which seems like some fun.
Constructed Rating: 2.0
Casual Rating: 3.0
Limited Rating: 3.5 |

Van Zandt |
Ass Whuppin'
It's a Vindicate that may earn you its title
from your neighbor if you get too nosey. Then
again, if you need someone certain to lose a
game to get into top 8 on tie-breaks...
constructed 3
casual 3.5
limited 3.5 |