
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com
Champions of Kamigawa
Reviewed October 11, 2004
Constructed: 2.96
Casual: 1.9
Limited: 1.26
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based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews

Welcome to the
Stabilizer of Kamigawa. This is the card
that you can't stomach to main deck, but you know
needs to be in the board. Right now, in my
opinion, either you play affinity, or you play this
is in the board - little other option. Even
with all the removal out there, this card can take
an affinity deck, especially if you go first, and
absolutely make it stop. It becomes a required
target for any and all removal they have, and that's
if they have, or can reasonably quick get, untapped
mana. A twice-as-good Static Orb just for your
opponent seems a little wrong, but so does getting
killed on turn 4 or 5 by a pissed off Ravager.
Limited - crap.
Constructed: 4.5
(Current T2 environment)
Limited: 1 |

game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut |
Considering that the
deck to beat presently is Affinity, this seems a
much more interesting card. To beat it, you need
speed. You'll have to find a way for this to
hit the board very fast, or else.
In casual, unless
you're playing against a lot of artifact heavy
decks all the time, Imi probably just isn't the
In limited, there just
aren't enough artifacts in Kamigawa to make this
Casual: 1
Limited: 1
Current Price:
Imi Statue -
Champions of Kamigawa -

Judge Bill
*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
My pick of this set
for the card most likely to fall far short of
its initial hype. People are touting this as an
answer to affiniy. Well, guess what, it slows
down affinity to normal speed levels. But the
fact is, they'll have already likely played most
of their hand by the time you play this, even if
you go first and drop this on turn 3. Then think
of the fact that they will likely have artifact
removal for this waiting, and it's a totally
mediocre card.
In casual, people
don't like to get locked down, and most people
don't like to play decks that require that much
Don't even bother
with limited - this was a card designed with one
purpose in mind - and that is to be played in
Constructed: 2
Casual: 1
Limited: 1

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Imi Statue
At first glance, this card was predicted to be the
final word in stopping
the ever-popular Affinity deck in Standard
constructed play. Just as quickly
as this prediction was made, others voiced the
opinion that Imi Statue was
too slow at a cost of three colorless mana. After
a little testing, my
personal opinion is that three or four Imi Statue
cards in your deck can
have a powerful effect on Affinity decks.
Unfortunately, in most Standard
constructed environments, you need to run Imi
Statue main deck because you
just can't afford to lose game one against
Affinity. Affinity decks, of
course, can simply add artifact destruction, as
many Affinity decks have
done. Any way you look at it, I think this card
can be considered a powerful
card, at least in the current Standard
environment. This card has very
little value in sealed deck and booster draft.
LIMITED: 2.0 |

Ray "Monk"
* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer |
Imi Statue
This card has been
touted as one of the fixers in Champions for
Affinity, but really, unless it comes down on turn
two with the help of mana speed, I’m not sure it
matters if this card hits play. They normally dump
their hands on turn two to three anyways, then
hopefully get through with only one or two big
creatures anyways. And with enough artifacts on
the board, that Myr Enforcer is free anyways, so
no need to untap the lands. On the off chance that
it really does hinder an affinity deck, they’ll
likely be playing with artifact destruction of
their own and just kill the Imi, making it a Time
Walk at best. I think the card has some potential,
but is just too weak for real play.

* game store owner (The
Game Closet - Waco,TX) |
We hate affinity!
Yes we do!
We hate affinity,
How 'bout you!
Seriously, that's what this card feels like. When
a deck is full of artifact lands, in addition to
it's creatures being artifacts, this card can
nearly cripple them. I don't think it has much
value to the average casual player, but
tournaments constructed players should be able to
use it in their sideboards.
Constructed: 3.5
Casual: 1.5
Limited: 1 |
Hagan |
Imi Statue --
This is a cute little sideboard card that could
come in very handy in the near future. It's
definitely a monster against Affinity, and I would
imagine that we are going to be seeing a small
influx of combo decks that make use of abusing
artifacts as well.
There isn't a whole lot I can really say about
this card; it is what it is. Play it if you are
planning on seeing a lot of artifacts all day
long, let it hang out in your sideboard,
In limited, I think this is *still* a sideboard
card, even with a greater number of artifacts
floating around.
Constructed Rating: 3.0
Casual Rating: 2.5
Limited Rating: 2.0 |