
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com
the Punisher
Champions of Kamigawa
Reviewed October 15, 2004
Constructed: 2.4
Casual: 2.4
Limited: 1.9
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

Ankh. Ankh Boy.
Ankh Boy kill. Ponza like Ankh boy.
Ponza use Ankh boy.
This card is good in
constructed. People played Ankh of Mishra to
win in a Ponza deck, and this is a 2/2 body on top.
It helps solve one of the great mysteries as to how
a Ponza deck wins besides just blowing up land.
It swings in with this guy while he hurts their
In limited, it's not
as good. I can't see you really getting the
good LD card pool in sealed.
Constructed: 3.5
Limited: 2 |

game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut |
Really great in Land
Destruction or burn decks. Plus, he can get
in a few hits himself. In casual, this could
really be fun with a nice, focused fast burn deck.
In limited, you could
end up hurting yourself as much as your opponent.
If you are running small and fast, it could help,
but definitely use with caution.
Casual: 3
Limited: 2
Current Price:
Zo-Zu the
Punisher -
Champions of Kamigawa -
Well With:
Ankh of
Mishra -
5th Edition - $3.42

Judge Bill
*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
Ah. Ankh of Mishra
on a stick. And a goblin to boot. Seems like
this would fit in real nice to an aggressive red
deck, if one exists.
In casual, this is
the kind of effect that will either (a) get you
killed quick (in multiplayer), or (b) make
people refuse to play that deck again. So I'd
In limited, a very
chancy effect to have. A dead creature if you
are behind, so I would never play it.
Constructed: 3

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Zo-Zu the Punisher
This card rewards extremely aggressive play in
both the limited and
constructed arenas. In limited, you should only
include this creature if you
have a fast deck with few cards costing more than
three mana. When you do,
Zo-Zu may be able to punish your opponent early in
the game. In constructed,
I think I would like to try this card in a Ponza-styled
land destruction
LIMITED: 3.0 |

Ray "Monk"
* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer |
Zo-Zu the Punisher
You know, I was just
thinking to myself about how much I loved Ankh of
Mishra, and wished someone would put it on a 2/2
creature and make me basically pay a half a mana
for it (if we’re going to cost compare to a Grey
Ogre). Actually, I must admit, what I was really
thinking to myself is how much I hated Ankh of
Mishra, and how it’s one of those cards that makes
the game less fun to play, and should never be
brought back.
And, my rating
reflects this.

* game store owner (The
Game Closet - Waco,TX) |
I love Zo-Zu. I just
wish I had something to do with it. I'm not sure
if he belongs in a landkill deck. Maybe he belongs
in some kind of crazy lockdown deck. My
personally, educated guess is that it belongs in a
deck that combos with some bad rare that removes
land and such. But, honestly, this is a card that
will annoy people in group games.
Constructed: 1.5
Casual: 2
Limited: 1.5 |
Hagan |
Zo-Zu the Punisher --
I'm OK with this card. Its Ankh of Mishra
reincarnated in an angry, 2/2, Goblin Warrior form
that you can only have one of in play at a time.
Swinging while getting an effect like his can't be
too bad, right? My only problem with this guy is
that I'm not sure where he fits in the current
meta-game. Perhaps Zo-Zu is a sideboard card
against control?
Zo-zu might see some play in casual, especially
since he fits well in almost any goblin deck.
However, his effect is only OK since Ankh of
Mishra is still an option if that's what the deck
is going to be based around.
Depending on what my sealed / draft deck looked
like, I might play Zo-Zu. If the deck is on the
low end of casting-cost, he might be extremely
Constructed Rating: 3.0
Casual Rating: 3.0
Limited Rating: 2.5 |

Van Zandt |
Zo-Zu the Punisher
Ankh of Mishra with legs, and he's a goblin...
seems to be tailor-made for
a ponza style deck. Certainly seems to have more
potential than the Ankh
itself, though it will probably see about as much
constructed 2.5
casual 3.5
limited 2 |