
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com
the Morning Star
Champions of Kamigawa Rare
Reviewed September 10, 2004
Constructed: 3.4
Casual: 4
Limited: 4.2
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut |
I think there was a
typo... I believe it's really called, "Yosei, the
Big Bad Mofo" or something along those lines.
Wow, what a crazy ability! How much you want
a bet that someone finds a way to bounce and recur
this puppy over and over. Yeah. He's already
amazingly costed, 6 for a 5/5 flyer, so he's a
great deal to start with, but now add that
ability, and he's a bit insane.
In constructed,
his cost seems a bit high, despite his ability,
but if there is a way to make Yosei happen,
someone will find it. Spiritmonger's cost at 6
seemed prohibitive to constructed at first, but
people found a way to make that happen too.
Though, Yosei is double white, making it a bit
more difficult.
In casual, players may
take a liking to this powerful guy, though if the
mainstream players like it, it may drive up the
price out of many casual player's reach. We
shall see.
In limited, if you
pull this, take it, for gosh sakes, and find a way
to go White. You'll likely have a pack left,
so find a way. This thing will turn games.
Casual: 4
Limited: 4
Current Price:
Yosei, the
Morning Star -
Champions of Kamigawa - $TBA

Judge Bill
*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
Part of a cycle of 5/5s with a leaves
play ability, this explores a new area
of white's portion of the color pie.
Apparently, if they printed Stasis
today, it'd be white.
OK in constructed ... probably pretty
good in a control mirror match, if
this gets through. I'm sure someone
will also take a recursion part to
cheat on the trigger and make sure
their opponent doesn't untap. So many
things you can do with this, and so
little time, provided you have 6 mana
and it makes it into play. An OK card
for constructed, screaming for a
casual deck to be built around it, and
a beefy 5/5 flier in limited that has
a nice extra ability.
Constucted: 3
Casual: 4
Limited: 4.5

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
the Morning Star
This Legendary Dragon Spirit is attractive in so
many ways...collectors and
casual players will need this interesting dragon
for their collections and
serious players will need this card in their white
decks. For 4WW, you get a
5/5 flyer that has the ability to really mess with
your opponent's game
whenever he goes to the graveyard. Many times,
your opponent will have some
card or ability that he could use to destroy Yosei,
but won't be sure if the
aftermath of killing this creature is worse than
the creature itself. This,
my friends, is interesting card design.
LIMITED: 3.5 |

Ray "Monk"
* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer |
Yosei, The Morning Star
It’s Blinding Beam Dragon! Seriously, I do like
this guy. While his ability is pretty neat, just
the fact that he’s a big fat flier for six mana
makes him a nice high pick for me in limited, and
makes me think he has some potential in
constructed as well. I also think this guy can be
really fun in multi-player casual, where no one
really wants to kill him because they know they
will then face the wrath of his graveyard ability.
Constructed: 3
Casual: 4
Limited: 5

* game store owner (The
Game Closet - Waco,TX) |
Man. I guess if you
want a legendary dragon that's playable, this is
the way to go. I think also it's a way to soften
the blow of Eternal Dragon leaving standard (type
2) play. If this guy dies, the opponent gets to
tap down several cards and leave them there for a
ton. This gets even more interesting with the new
legend rule. There's a chance that each player
could end up skipping their untap step. That is
kind of neat really. Besides, this guy is a 5/5
for six mana and it's a cool looking Chinese
Constructed: 4
Casual: 4.5
Limited: 5 |
Hagan |
Yosei, The Morning Star --
Continuing with our theme of obscenely powerful
cards (see yesterday, re: Time Stop), we have a
replacement creature for UW Control decks --
Yosei, The Morning Star. Sure, you get a 5/5
Flying creature for six mana. I guess that's
pretty good. Oh, wait, if he goes to the
graveyard, what happens? You tap all of your
opponent's threats? And he doesn't untap? Why
don't you play this card?!? Again, Champions of
Kamigawa is showing that it has the ability to
replace the goodness of Onslaught Block.
Casual guys will absolutely love this card,
meaning it will be incredibly hard to get ahold
of any. Why? Think about it -- he's a Legend,
he's a Dragon, and he comes with an insane
ability. I hate to think what I'll have to do to
get a playset of these.
In limited -- well, Yosei is a 5/5 Flier for six
mana. If you are in white, you take him, no
questions asked. If you haven't chosen a color
yet, you just got into white.
Constructed Rating: 4.0
Casual Rating: 4.5
Limited Rating: 4.0

Van Zandt |
Yosei, the Morning Star
Mmmmh, Shivany goodness. 6 mana for a 5/5 flyer
wins games, and since he wastes their next turn
when they kill him, he's quite the mean guy. I'm
not looking forward to people recurring this guy
on me.
constructed 3.5
casual 3.5
limited 4 |
Secret Squirrel
on the
Boards |
the Morning Star
It’s decent. If I
wanted to play Stasis type cards, I’d play
Stasis type cards. Plus it’s a legend (stupid
new legend rule.) It is a 5/5 flier for 6,
which isn’t too bad. The whole Stasis effect
seems a little out of place for this card, but
whatever. It’s a dragon though and like most
dragons probably unplayable to do its speed.
Unless Kamigawa has lots of expensive
creatures, I’d stay away from this in
constructed. At least it’s a spirit, so it
can be obtained with Soulshift though.
In casual, it’s a
dragon *looks at wide eyed Timmy*.
Constructed: 2.5
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 3