
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com
Bound by Honor
Champions of Kamigawa
Reviewed September 21, 2004
Constructed: 2.3
Casual: 3.4
Limited: 3.3
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews
Scott Gerhardt
What we have here is
an amazingly good card. It attacks and
blocks, both at 4/4 for 4. If blocked while
attacking, it gets 5/5. That's REAL good for
a 4 drop, especially only W3. I think a
decent Samurai deck is gonna pop-up in type 2, and
this guy is definitely going to be in it.
Firther play it with Hall of the Bandit lord, and
the Haste makes him and everything else get big
right away.
In limited, it's
power is obvious. Even without other
Samurai, it's gonna be solid on it's own.
It's no breaker or a card, but it should see a lot
of play.
Limited: 4 |

game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut |
A very solid limited
card, Nagao should see a lot of play along with
the many Samurais available in the new set.
3/3's for four mana are a solid deal, and add to
that the fact that Nagao becomes at least a 4/4
when attacking or blocking, plus gives bonuses to
your Samurai army... nice!
In constructed, it's
fate is unknown at this point, though doubted.
In casual though, I have already seen people even
at the pre-release trying to put together Samurai
decks. Nagao is uncommon, and so a good lead
for an inexpensive yet powerful casual deck.
Casual: 4
Limited: 4
Current Price:
Bound by Honor -
Champions of Kamigawa -
Well With:
Any Samurai -
Champions of Kamigawa
Special for my CotD fans:
For those of you interested
in picking up some of the new Champions of Kamigawa Rares,
check out my
Auctions Here!!
For every auction you win, I will throw in a FREE
Bonus Rare with your win! This promotion is
only for my CotD readers...just email me at the
end of the auction and mention that you read
Pojo's CotD and I'll throw in the Free Rare!
(Free rares are of my choice... auctions must be
paid within 7 days of closing to qualify) Thanks,

Judge Bill
*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
This card has a
combination of two of the themes of Champions -
Bushido and samurai. A 3/3 with Bushido 1 for 4
mana is a good creature to have. There are also
a lot of samurai in Champions, so if you're
playing this guy, you're likely playing quite a
few samurai also. remember he is a samurai too,
so he gives himself the bonus, making him that
much better.
In constructed, this
is probably too slow, as a 4 mana creature needs
to bee good to be played.
There's probablyt a
casual samurai deck out there, but this wouldn't
be the centerpiece of it. A very bland ability
for a theme deck.
Constructed: 1.5
Casual: 2
Limited: 3

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Nagao, Bound by Honor
This legendary Samurai may look average at first
glance, but he is actually
one of the best creatures from Champions for
limited play. His casting cost
may be too high for constructed, but in limited,
you will take a 3/3 for
four mana all day. Add to this Bushido 1 and the
ability to help other
Samurai attacking with him. As an uncommon, Nagao
is one legend that you
will see fairly often in limited environments. In
a set where so many of the
good cards are high-costed, Nagao is simply
LIMITED: 3.5 |

Ray "Monk"
* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer |
Nagao, Bound by Honor
This guy defines the
set as much as any card out there. He’s a Samurai,
he’s only a 3/3 four mana, which is smaller than
we have come to expect, since in Mirrodin we got
our 4/4 creatures for free on turn 3. But he’s got
Bushido, and he teams up with his other Samurai
pals very well.
While not constructed
worthy, this guy is a walking house of beatings in
Limited. He’s incredibly hard to deal with, and he
boosts his friends too on the swing. Definitely a
high pick in limited, and a great card for that
Samurai deck you know you are going to build for
casual play.
Limited: 4

* game store owner (The
Game Closet - Waco,TX) |
This guy seems OK. The
fact that he is a legend is a little bothersome.
His casting cost seems appropriate. Also, his
ability to give all Samurai +1/+1 when he attacks,
is great. It applies to himself as well. So,
technically he's a 4/4 part time :)
I'm sure this card will go over decently with most
casual players. In limited, I'd assume I would
take this card, but there would have to be no
better options. So maybe this card is a third or
fourth pick.
Constructed: 3
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 2.5 |
Hagan |
Nagao, Bound by Honor
I can't really complain about this guy, but for
some reason, I don't like him a lot. He gets to
be a 4/4 for 4 while blocking, and when he swings,
if blocked, you get a 5/5 for four -- no
complaints on either side. But for some unknown
reason, I look at this guy and think that he just
needs something more. I might be completely off,
but he just isn't impressive for constructed play
for me.
Casual players should enjoy this guy, as he will
help out with any Samurai theme decks that are
roaming around out there right now. No complaints
In limited, I'll definitely play this guy. He's a
monster for cheap, and those cards are often hard
to come by in limited play. If you are getting
into white, this card should be one of the first
few cards you scoop.
Constructed Rating: 2.5
Casual Rating: 3.0
Limited Rating: 3.0 |