
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com
Blessed Breath
Champions of Kamigawa Common
Reviewed September 23, 2004
Constructed: 1.8
Casual: 1.8
Limited: 3.3
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
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Card of the Day Reviews
Gerhardt |
More so than anything,
this card is a review over the new Arcane-type
mechanic. This card is obviously not good
enough to play on it's own. The answer is if
it's good enough to play multiple times. The
answer: not really. Protection is
decent in constructed, but not amazing. The
only way I see this being good is to go to the
ultimate in efficiency by slapping it or something
else eligible under an Isochron Scepter and
utilizing several spells over and over. Even
then, it begs the question if it's even required.
The fact is you need to be playing a slow,
defensive deck that utilizes few creatures and
simply needs to keep them alive once on the board.
This card can do that, but the problem is then
seeing it. You'll generally splice it, so 4
isn't needed, but you need to see one.
The card itself is
a deckbuilding quandry, so I think you'll find a
great number of players passing on it to go with a
multitude of other better spells. Don't
ignore it, but don't figure it'll be great,
especially in an environment with a LOT of
Artifacts and hence, no color.
Limited is a
different story. Fizzling that key removal
spell, or being able to time Protection in combat
at the right time can be ultra key to victory.
Being able to do it on a splice can be a game
cinch. I can in no way think that I would
not play this in a limited environment if going
white - bascially a no-brainer.
Constructed: 2
Limited: 4.5 |

game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut |
Pro-whatever isn't
exactly the stuff decks are made of, at least in
tournament constructed. So, while Breath is
well costed, and its arcane ability gives it a bit
of a boost, it's still not worthy, I'm afraid.
Above, Scott mentions
that it's best chance at being useful would be
under an
Isochron Scepter. Then, it would be a
consideration, but only in casual or limited.
In limited, it's a
much better bet. The cost is right, and if
you only have a couple bombs in your deck, you'll
want to protect them at all costs. In this
case, Blessed Breath works well if you're going
white already.
Casual: 2.5
Limited: 3.5
Current Price:
Breath -
Champions of Kamigawa -
Well With:
Scepter -
Mirrodin - $3.64
Special Offer For My CotD Fans!:
For those of you interested
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For every auction you win, I will throw in a FREE
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(Free rares are of my choice... auctions must be
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Judge Bill
*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
We get one of these in most sets. A card that
gives protection until end of turn. Mirrodin
gave us Razor Barrier, with the ability to
protect from artifacts, that block's theme. Here
we get splice added on.
I've found it takes a really dedicated deck for
splice to have any value. You won't have enough
in sealed, and this is too weak of an effect for
constructed. Not a bad card as like a 22nd card
if you need it, but not something I would brag
Constructed: 1
Casual: 1
Limited: 2

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Blessed Breath
This card is a lot like Razor Barrier from
Mirrodin, only cheaper and with
the ability to be used more than once, thanks to
its Splice onto Arcane
ability. Like Razor Barrier, this unglamorous card
can be a solid game
winner or, at the very least, a counter spell from
a creature destruction
spell. Like Razor Barrier, Blessed Breath belongs
in most limited decks but
in hardly any constructed decks.

Ray "Monk"
* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer |
Blessed Breath
Now, I just ran a
prerelease, and I can tell you for a fact that not
one Magic player there had anything remotely
resembling Blessed Breath. Many had Cursed Breath,
and used it almost continuously, and a few had
Odorless Breath, but not one I could find had
Blessed Breath, unless you count my Judge Staff,
which had an ample supply of Orbitz Gum and
Oh, oh, the card. Uh,
the card is boring, and kind of playable in
limited… and that’s it.

Honestly, I truly have
very little to say about this card. It's pretty
mediocre, but with a little bit of help from other
arcane spells, it might be useful. Casual players
will probably ignore this card, and this card will
be just a little above average in limited play.
Constructed: 2
Casual: 1.5
Limited: 2.5 |
Hagan |
Blessed Breath --
Ho-Hum. I'm not sure I really liked this card in
its fifteen other incarnations, and being able to
sneak it onto another spell with its Splice into
Arcane cost isn't really doing too much for me
either. I can't see myself using this card over
the *huge* selection of good cards in Type II
after the rotation -- there just isn't enough room
in any of my decks.
Casual players should avoid this card -- y'all
have a lot better options available, especially
with cheap white instants. No need to mess with a
mediocre card that has a limited effect. It
doesn't even give pro-artifacts!
Limited is the only format in which I would play
this card. It isn't a first pick by any stretch
of the imagination, but it should be making the
cut into your deck somewhere around the middle of
construction just because of combat tricks.
Constructed Rating: 1.5
Casual Rating: 1.0
Limited Rating: 2.5 |

Van Zandt |
Blessed Breath
This card has two things going for it- it's a
cheap arcane spell to splice
onto, and it splices cheaply onto arcane. Most of
the time, one of those
things needs to have reasonable odds of happening
for this card to be in
your deck. I don't see any particular niche that
it would have to fill in
constructed under those conditions, but you never
know... maybe there'll be
a deck that just wants as many things that it can
tack glacial ray onto as
constructed 1.5
casual 2
limited 3 |