
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com
the Falling Star
Champions of Kamigawa Rare
Legendary Dragon
Reviewed September 27, 2004
Constructed: 2.6
Casual: 3.9
Limited: 4.3
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

Holy crap! A 5/5
flier for 6....IN RED! Guys, red very selcom gets a
good flier. It very rarely happens. A
good red flier with only 1 red in the casting cost
is unheard of...seriously...name a good red flier
with only 1 red in it's casting cost - I can't. =/ This is a
moment to be noted. While we're noting it,
it's not only a good flier for red, it's a
ridiculous. On top of that, if they do manage
to kill it, it should take a number of guys with it.
I'm a little worried about the speed of the current
type 2 environment, but I think if there is a decent Ponza build out there, this guy will be in that deck
without a doubt. If there is a way to slow
down the environment, I think this guy will be game
breaking. I can't give it a 5 only because of
the current environment, but that doesn't mean it
won't become a 5 later.
In limited, you play
this. If you see it in draft, you take it.
If it's in your sealed deck, you play it. I
don't care one lick if you're going red. If
you're not going red, you SPLASH it...in ANY LIMITED
ENVIRONMENT. There is absolutely no reason
whatsoever not to have this guy in your main deck.
If you show him to me in your sideboard of any
limited deck, I will tell you he should be in it.
No exceptions, no matter what.
Constructed: 4.5
Limited: 5 (can I give it higher? It deserves
it) |

game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut |
Ryusei, while probably
not being tournament worthy, is certainly worth a
look in any other situation. In casual, he's
a big, bad dragon with a "Don't You Dare" clause
attached. If you're opponent doesn't have
anything big on the board, if he dares to off
Ryusei somehow, he risks losing his entire
creature board. But he has to have some way
to deal with a 5/5 flyer in the first place; not
an easy task. He's great in a Dragon Themed
deck, probably more so than any of the other
Champions Dragons, because he's red, as the vast
majority of Dragons are. Another boost for
the Legendary Dragons comes in Kamigawa,
Time of Need. This card has been flying
off our shelves for its highly useful ability in
ChK to fetch a Legendary something for you.
Combine it's ability with a strong Dragon deck,
and it's good times.
In limited, you
absolutely play him. In draft, first pick,
straight from the pack, don't even consider
anything else. Even if you're going another
color, splash for Ryusei, since he's only a single
Red. Very strong all in all, most likely a game
Casual: 5
Limited: 5
Current Price:
Ryusei, the
Falling Star -
Champions of Kamigawa -
Well With:
Time of
Need -
Champions of Kamigawa -

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Ryusei, the Falling
I love all five of the Legendary Dragon Spirits
from Champions of Kamigawa.
This one is simple and straightforward as they
come. For Champions, six is
really not that high of a casting cost. Ryusei is
a bargain, and totally
splashable with his cost of 5R. In limited, he
will be totally awesome on
the very rare (because HE'S a rare...) times that
you see this guy. In
constructed, his six casting cost puts him on the
edge of playability, but I
think his earthquake effect and his flying may
make him valuable enough to
include two of him in a mono red deck filled with
generally cheap casting
cost creatures and spells.
LIMITED: 3.5 |

Ray "Monk"
* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer |
Ryusei, the Falling Star
He’s a big red Dragon that blows up the world when
he dies. Well, not the entire world, but enough of
it for him to be deadly. I think this guy has a
place in most worlds. He’s unbelievable in
Limited, and in Casual play, he’s part of a
paradise of Dragons for those building a Dragon
themed deck, or even for Multiplayer, where he’s a
huge threat to everyone’s forces. In serious
constructed, he may not make the cut, but only
time will tell. He may just be good enough for
Constructed: 3
Casual: 5
Limited: 5

* game store owner (The
Game Closet - Waco,TX) |
Ryusei, the Falling
Ok, as with all of the dragons, this guy can find
his place into any limited
deck and a variety of constructed decks just as a
5/5 flyer. Ryusei also
happens to be splashable, and a potential form of
mass removal in block, so
he may find his way into decks there. However,
Havoc Demon was hardly
played, and while he was more expensive, he also
wiped the board better. So
I don't expect a lot of Falling Star action in
extended or type 2.
constructed 2.5
casual 3.5
limited 4 |
Hagan |
Ryusei, The Fallen Star --
I'm not liking this card as much as his white
counterpart, but he is acceptable. A 5/5 Flier for
6 mana is nothing to scoff at, and he does have a
board-sweeping effect when he leaves play.
Unfortunately, this does mean he gets to hit your
creatures to, so you can just hope he doesn't go
at an inopportune time. I think Ryusei's stock
falls even further given the fact that Rathi
Dragon is finding his way back into circulation in
Casual players will dig this card just on the
grounds that it is a decent Legendary Dragon. Who
needs the old Elder Dragon Legends when you can
squeeze one in to a *straight Red* deck and he
comes with a better effect than the oldies.
I'll take this card in limited almost every time,
just because he is a large, cheap flier. Just make
sure you are in good position when you drop him,
or else Ryusei might come back to bite you.
Constructed Rating: 2.0
Casual Rating: 3.5
Limited Rating: 3.5

Van Zandt |
Ryusei, the Falling
Ok, as with all of the dragons, this guy can find
his place into any limited
deck and a variety of constructed decks just as a
5/5 flyer. Ryusei also
happens to be splashable, and a potential form of
mass removal in block, so
he may find his way into decks there. However,
Havoc Demon was hardly
played, and while he was more expensive, he also
wiped the board better. So
I don't expect a lot of Falling Star action in
extended or type 2.
constructed 2.5
casual 3.5
limited 4 |
Secret Squirrel
on the
Boards |
Ryusei, the Falling
Well I took a small
vacation from writing due to school and stuff,
but now I’m back. Sorry if you people missed
me. =/
This week, we’re
doing four of the five dragons from ChK that
cost 6 mana, are 5/5 fliers and have triggered
abilities when they are put into the graveyard
from play. Today we have the red one. Five
damage to everything (without flying). The most
obvious problem is that it can backfire on you,
but even if it does, it clears a lot of the
board for no additional costs. It’s ok in
constructed. At 6 mana for a red 5 power no
haste, it seems expensive. Although, Rorix
did made it into red decks, so who knows. It
has a good effect, and it’s not too high of a
cost considering it’s a dragon. I’m not sure if
this’ll see play in block.
My ratings for
limited this week are all basically going to be
the same, so I probably won’t include limited
comments. Incase you haven’t figured it out
(=/) it’s a no brainer in limited. Take it,
immediately, splash for it if you have to.
Constructed: 2.5
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 5