
Pojo's Magic The Gathering
Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com
Champions of Kamigawa Rare
Reviewed September 9, 2004
Constructed: 3.4
Casual: 2.9
Limited: 2.7
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

game store owner in CA,
ShuffleAndCut |
Wow.. that is an
interesting phrase, and it took me back for a
moment.. "Damage wears off." I wasn't sure
exactly what that meant, but I looked into it
more, and it seems it means that anything that is
on the stack just goes *poof* and disappears.
Since damage and other stack items no longer
exist, they do not resolve, and the turn is over,
period. Even a huge amount of combat damage to
you, or to your creatures... gone. The
effect is game changing, really. Now if
there was only a Panoptic Mirror effect that you
could make happen at any time.....
It costs 6, but I
would not rule this out from a competitive control
build. We'll have to see the rest of the set
to really get a grasp of what tricks this thing is
capable of. In limited, hmm...I'd probably
try it out in a Blue build. I'm undecided as
far as casual. Casual decks don't usually
gravitate toward control, but they do like
extremes, and this card turns in that direction,
so perhaps it will find a casual niche, too.
Casual: 3
Limited: 3.5
Current Price:
Time Stop -
Champions of Kamigawa - $TBA

Judge Bill
*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
The one thing I hear most often is a
wish for a counterspell that would
counter something that can't be
countered, like Obliterate. Well, that
is one facet of this card. You can
also use it as a...
-Time Walk
and many other things. The fact that
this removes itself is necessary, as
if there was any way to recur this
card via something like Crystal
Witness, it'd be silly.
In multiplayer, this has less effect.
It's ok in casual duels, but not that
In limited, you have to leave 6 mana
open, and you have to have a game
state you want to erase. I don't see
that happening very often.
Constucted: 3.5
Casual: 2.5
Limited: 2

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Time Stop
Yep, this one is the bomb! Time Stop MIGHT BE the
most interesting blue card since Force of Will.
Time Stop can, at the same time, give you an extra
turn, counter a spell or ability already on the
stack and return your
creatures to full health from whatever damage they
may have already
received. I am personally not concerned with
the casting cost of 4UU. While the high
casting cost is an obvious drawback, this card has
the power to stop your opponent in his
tracks and to, at any moment, take the game away
from him. This card will be amazing in
constructed, at least in a few decks that can
play control and provide ample resources for
casting this card. In limited,
you might opening this card up in a booster
LIMITED: 4.0 |

Ray "Monk"
* Level 3 DCI Judge
*DCI Tournament Organizer |
Time Stop
This card is so fun, and has a lot of potential. I
admire WoTC’s ability to cost this card, because
boy it’s a toughie to try to make this card
playable but not broken. While having some
potential in constructed, the card is almost
unplayable in limited, and will get you killed in
a heart beat in casual format as it is
particularly unfun.
Constructed: 3
Casual: 1
Limited: 1

* game store owner (The
Game Closet - Waco,TX) |
Time Walk!!!! OK, so
you can definitely expect to hear the rants about
"the new time walk." I honestly don't know what to
think about this card. I think it is definitely
going to be played. I'm just unsure of HOW much
it's going to be played. It's costed high, but it
has to be to stay balanced. Might as well get
prepared for this. There's a chance you could be
seeing a lot of it. If nothing else, get some of
them for trade bait.
Constructed: 3.5
Casual: 2
Limited: 2.5
Hagan |
Time Stop --
I'm really surprised I'm looking at this card. If
I'm not mistaken, you just play this card during
your opponent's upkeep, and assuming he/she
doesn't have a counterspell of some sort, you
essentially get an extra turn. On top of this, you
can use Time Stop to do stupid tricks in combat if
everything goes south. On the downside, Time Stop
*does* cost six mana, but whatever, so did
Upheaval and it was still obscene.
Casual players will love messing with each other
with Time Stop. I really can't see anyone not
liking this card!
"I'll set up my crazy combo, and as soon as it
resolves, you will lo--"
"Wait. Time Stop."
"...I hate you."
Again, in limited, I'll play this card almost
every time. There isn't a good reason not to.
Constructed Rating: 4.0
Casual Rating: 4.0
Limited Rating: 4.0 |

Van Zandt |
Time Stop
Counter target spell, time walk. Played
correctly, this card should do both
at once. That makes it quite strong. Though, to
be fair, that still
doesn't make it a lot better than time warp.
Situationally amazing. Also,
situationally a 6 mana counterspell, If they
weren't going to do much else
with their turn.
constructed 2
casual 2.5
limited 3
Secret Squirrel
on the
Boards |
Time Stop
Omg, we have a good
card. This card can have so many cool uses. If
you’re due to some wacky combo, you can end
everything immediately and get to the next
turn. You can bait your opponent into attacking
you and let all their creatures be tapped for
next turn. You can play this at the beginning
of their turn so they can’t do anything. 6 mana
is a lot, but not unheard of for a control deck,
as most win conditions are around 6 mana
anyway. (Pristine Angel, Rude Awakening,
Shackles [if you lay it activate on the same
turn you play it]) Play this, then next turn go
to town with angel.
I expect this to see
play in constructed. It’s costed correctly and
has a great effect.
I’m not sure about
this in limited. Why you would leave 6 mana
open on your opponent’s turn in limited is
beyond me. I’d pass.
Constructed: 4
Casual: 4
Limited: 2