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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Meloku the
Clouded Mirror
Champions of Kamigawa
Reviewed April 18, 2005
Constructed: 4.00
Casual: 3.75
Limited: 4.90
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
Click here to see all
Card of the Day Reviews

* Game Store Owner |
Meloku - Monday
This card is nice, but it gets played more than
it should. In theory this card should be
AMAZING. I think the only thing that keeps it
from that AMAZING category is that it's ability
isn't as easy to figure out as players think.
Should you use it before combat? Should you use
it to make blockers? Should you use to protect a
"man-land"? There is a lot to learn when playing
Meloku. He's far from a no-brainer.
Constructed: 4
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 5 |
Paul Hagan |
Meloku the
Clouded Mirror --
I guess I can't complain too much about Meloku.
You get a decent body for the mana you put into
her (at least for a blue creature), and he
comes equipped with a game-winning ability. The
fact that the tokens have flying turns Meloku
from a decent creature into a stellar one, but I
am not without reservations. I have seen and
participated in several games that resulted in a
loss for the Meloku-controller after their
opponent had an immediate answer for the horde
of tokens, leaving the Meloku-controller with a
lot of land in their hand, not a lot on board,
and nothing to show for it. Don't let this chase
you off from her, though, as I consider Meloku
to be one of the better creatures blue has to
I'm going to give Meloku a slightly higher
rating for Limited, as I can definitely see her
ability turning an even match-up into a win with
Constructed Rating: 3.5
Casual Rating: 3.5
Limited Rating: 4.0 |

Game Store owner in CA, ShuffleAndCut
Multiple M:TG Pro Tour Appearances |
One of the kill
cards in the current Mono-Blue control. She's
exactly what Blue needs to take a defensive
stand, and then win with a slow, steady stream
of control. A reasonably cost flier with the
ability to crank out an insane number of
friends, he's just required in today's deck.
In limited, well, I played a PTQ recently where
I busted a Meloku. She was the only Blue card I
played. I never regretted that decision for a
second. Make up your own mind based on that.
Constructed: 4
Limited: 5+ |

Game Store owner in
CA, ShuffleAndCut
Meloku the
Clouded Mirror
Probably one of the strongest cards of the
Champions set. Meloku holds its own in every
format from tournament constructed to limited,
to Type 1.tabletop. In limited, if you have her,
you play her. I have seen players that were not
even going Blue splash a few islands and throw
her in the deck. If he hits the board and you
can untap, you will most likely win the game.
In Casual, he is very playable, though a bit on
the costly side as her price on my Website is
being driven up by high demand for her. Still a
fun add to a casual blue deck.
Constructed - 4
Casual - 4
Limited - 5 |

Judge Bill
*Level 2
MTG Judge
*game store employee
Monday - Meloku,
the Clouded Mirror
I hear mono-blue is playable again in type 2.
This guy would be a great finisher for that deck
in my opinion. Late game, when blue has a
eleventy billion lands on the table, they can
afford to return a couple to make creatrues to
attack with.
The only downside to this card is that it is a
creature itself. If it were an enchantment, this
would be amazing. As is you have to protect it
from creature removal.
In limited, simply a bomb. If your opponent
doesn't have a way to off it when it hits the
table, he's dead.
In casual, it would be fun with something like
Azusa or Exploration.
Constructed: 4.5
Casual: 4
Limited: 5 |

Magical Mad Matt |
One of, if not the most versatile creatures for
a control deck in the environment currently. The
best part of the ability is the fact that it can
be any land, making Meloku a great creature to
splash in any color deck.
Ridiculously great, again with the ability of
returning any land to make a 1/1 flying creature
makes this almost always a first pick. I think
you find a way to play in your deck even if you
aren't playing blue.
Constructed: 4
Limited: 5 |