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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Rishadan Port
Reviewed April 5, 2005
Constructed: 4.30
Casual: 3.20
Limited: 2.75
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Rishadan Port
This isn't a land, it's a zero cost Icy
Manipulator for land that taps for colorless
mana! One of the ten most powerful lands EVER
printed, its uses are many. You can even play
this card in limited without being a dumb guy!
LIMITED: 3.0 |

* Game Store Owner |
Rishadan Port -
This card is great all around. It allows you to
do a lot of things. You can slow your opponent's
mana. You can put them into a soft lock. It also
fits into a lot of variable strategies. There
are just so many good things to say about this
card and so few negative things to say. This is
one of those cards that you simply love to have
on your side and hate to see across the table
from you. It's unfortunate that most of the
casual crowd doesn't appreciate this card.
Constructed: 4
Casual: 2.5
Limited: 2.5 |
Paul Hagan |
Rishadan Port
I'm not sure what I can say about this card,
constructed, casual, or limited, that the other
reviewers aren't going to say. Port is a great
card, it allows you to slow your opponent (or
lock them down when used with other cards), it
can cripple an opponent with multiple colors in
his or her deck, and it has seen tons of play
over the years. It isn't good enough to make the
cut into every deck that can play it, but it is
good enough to warrant consideration.
Constructed Rating: 4.0
Casual Rating: 4.0
Limited Rating: 4.0 |

Gerhardt |
Rishadan Port
One of the most highly used lands in the game of
Magic, ever. Port adds a control aspect to your
game. By tapping down your opponent's land, you
can slow them down, while you build up. Or you
can combo it with other cards that feed off of
the tapped lands. For instance, tapping down
your opponent's City of Brass will do one damage
to them each turn in addition to hurting their
opportunity to use it for any colored mana when
they really need it.
Constructed - 4.5
Casual - 2
Limited - 2 |
Secret Squirrel |
Rishadan Port
It’s a little
odd that I chose a staple in the soon to be old
extended season (pro tours have ended and rath,
urza, masques, and 6th will be killed
in October) but I was surprised to see that we
had never reviewed it, and it’s a very important
card. What is so great about this card? Why
the heck is it banned from block? The answer is
that this card gives you the opportunity to deny
your opponent of a land each turn. Aren’t you
denying yourself a land each turn? Well, yes
and no. Yes because you are tapping this land
and another mana source (cough chrome mox) and
it takes up your one land drop. However, any
deck that plays Port has good tempo (Sligh) so
the one land count doesn’t make a difference.
This means that, while Port looks like a control
card, it really belongs in decks that have cheap
creatures and quick mana sources so that you can
tap their land during their upkeep; control
decks don’t want to pay two mana sources to deny
you of mana lands before you even play anything,
especially when there is already a threat on the
board. Port combined with various land
destruction spells, and eventually Tangle Wire,
can lock down the opponent and pave way for an
aggro invasion. The fact that Port (and Tangle
Wire) require colorless mana makes it so it can
fit into any fast deck. A very good card in
those decks, but sucky in the rest.
Casual: 2
Limited: (No idea .. seems low though because
limited decks don’t usually have 5 creatures by
turn 3. =/) |