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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Portal 3
Reviewed March xx, 2005
Constructed: 1.20
Casual: 1.80
Limited: 1.40
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Unnatural Speed
This is a bad card. Haste is a great ability,
but not one worth using a creature enchantment
to produce. There's not much more you can say
about this card, or its closely related cousin,
Vigilance. This card is worthless in constructed
and comes closest to being playable in limited
because Unnatural Speed, at the very least, is
an Arcane instant. Seriously thinking about
putting this card in your deck? Don't be so
LIMITED: 1.5 |

* Game Store Owner |
Unnatural Speed
- Wednesday
There have been a lot of cards that have given
the ability of haste over the years.
Unfortunately, most of them don't work out well.
This one is no different. Haste is something
that you want to have in the form of an
enchantment or something. The reason is that
having to pay even more mana to attack, in some
ways, can defeat your purpose.
Constructed: 1.5
Casual: 1.5
Limited: 1 |
Paul Hagan |
Unnatural Speed
I will use Unnatural Speed to get away from
junky cards like this one. Unnatural Speed is
one of those cards that you look at and wonder
why you would ever play it. Yes, I realize it
has Arcane, but so do a lot better, more useful
cards. Granting one card haste so you get one
more attack out of it doesn't seem worth wasting
a slot in your deck. If Unnatural Speed was an
enchantment that gave all creatures haste, it
*might* get consideration, depending on what
creatures I was working with. Consider the case
of Fires of Yavimaya mixed with Blastoderm,
Saproling Burst, etc. As is, just not worth it
in any format.
Constructed Rating: 1.5
Casual Rating: 1.5
Limited Rating: 1.5 |

Gerhardt |
Unnatural Speed
Meh. Boring. Pretty much useless and unused in
any format.
Constructed - 1
Casual - 1
Limited - 1.5 |
Squirrel |
Unnatural Speed
I tried to mix this week up with good and bad
cards (it’s ˝ and ˝) so while it’s a drag to
read the same reviews of a card you know is
terrible, I know the site gets complaints when
we only review good or only review bad cards.
With that in mind, this is just a bad card. Its
only possible chance of seeing play is if you’re
trying to make a budget deck, but even then,
it’s bad. You’re setting yourself back a turn by
playing this card plus the creature. The most
important thing about it though is that red
cards ALREADY HAVE HASTE! If you’re playing a
creature to win the game, you shouldn’t wait to
play this card, just play it a turn earlier. The
only reason I am not ripping this card to shreds
right now is that it’s an arcane spell that’s an
instant. If you’re trying to splice something
for its cheap arcane cost, then you can play
this then splice for another card. Still, it’s
crap, and shouldn’t really see play in any
Constructed: 1
Casual: 1.5
Limited: 1.5 |