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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com
Goblin Welder
Urza's Legacy
Reviewed August 01, 2005
Constructed: 3.73
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 2.33
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

* Game Store Owner |
Goblin Welder
This guy is so strange. Some days he's hot. Some
days he's ice cold. Right now, he is ICE COLD.
Well let me correct that statement. He's pretty
much cold in every format EXCEPT Eternal (Type
1). There just isn't a lot to do with him in
other formats. And the decks that have proven
themselves don't need this guy. Sure, he's a
Goblin, but even to them he's an outcast most of
the time. In sealed or draft, this guy isn't so
good, because there aren't usually enough
quality artifacts in your deck.
Constructed: 2.5
Casual: 1.5
Limited: 1

Gerhardt |
Goblin Welder
Kinda retarded, in the good sense. If they had
brought this guy back against Mirrodin stuff, it
would have seen a ridiculous amount of play. As
it is, Welder is a high end rare. Try finding
this thing in foil sometime. =)
Constructed - 4
Casual - 4
Limited - 2
The Antman |
Goblin Welder-
Rare- UL
hey everyone, today we have the amazing goblin
now I don't know much about T1.5s and T1s early
days but I believe goblin welder was actually
thought to be a junk card. then after mirrodin
came out someone made a deck called control
slaver and kicked everyone's... butt with it.
the center of the deck was this card: Goblin
Welder. because of its ability to keep your
opponents colossus off you or its ability to
bring out your own slaver/pentavus/colossus back
for more goblin welder has earned its place in a
sort of hall of fame for magic with all of
magic's other great cards.
one thing that makes this card so good is
artifacts dominance on T1 and T1.5(though less
than T1). you have cheep arti's that you can get
out early in the moxen, and big arti's that can
come out early thanks to cards like welder and
constructed: 4.7/5 only reason why it isn't a 5
cuz of the fact that it is so easily killed
limited: 4/5 its in a arti heavy block
casual: 5/5 there is no end to what you can do
with it
final thought: control slaver and decks like it
that utilize goblin welder will not die out any
time soon, and will probably see much more play
as sets come out.
Paul Hagan |
Goblin Welder
If you ever wanted to see a sideboard card /
metagame call, this card is it. Welder is
obviously only good whenever your opponent is
playing an abundance of artifacts, and one of
those is hopefully worthless later in the game.
If you are playing red and heading into an
environment where artifact-heavy decks are the
norm (see: Extended, two seasons ago), then this
card should receive heavy consideration.
Otherwise, leave it in your stack of cheap rares
and hope that it will, one day, be good once
Constructed Rating: 2.5
Casual Rating: 2.0
Limited Rating: 1.0