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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com
Flametongue Kavu
Reviewed August 05, 2005
Constructed: 4.2
Casual: 3.6
Limited: 4.5
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

* Game Store Owner |
This card is simply amazing. It's costed low
enough to make it playable. It deals enough
damage to kill most popular creatures. The only
downside is that Flametongue Kavu comes with a
two toughness. This can make it a mild liability
in some situations, but not very often. When you
are looking for a creature that fits into a deck
of midrange speed, this is the guy you'll
definitely want to look for.
Constructed: 4
Casual: 4
Limited: 4.5
Paul Hagan |
This card is just about one of my favorite cards
of all time. The capability of destroying so
many of the good creatures that were floating
around at the time (barring Blastoderm) and
getting a 4/2 body out of it was *so* good. Now?
I wish Flametongue Kavu were still around, as it
would still make the cut into any red deck I was
In limited, FTK gets slightly better, since the
quality of creature goes down and having a 4/2
body can be mildly scary after you knock out the
scariest creature on your opponent's side of the
board. You absolutely play this card if
Constructed Rating: 3.5
Casual Rating: 3.5
Limited Rating: 4.0

Gerhardt |
Flametongue Kavu
A great card that literally changed an
environment. Flametongue changed formats by
making previously strong viable decks
unplayable. Anything based on a 4 toughness
creature took a sour turn once this guy
reared it's head. Take
Blinding Angel for example. Blinding
Angel had a nice deck built around it,
tournament worthy. But when Flametongue
came around and started flaming the angel,
the deck disappeared from the scene, since
Kavu could take the Angel out in one fell
swoop. As a note, Kavu is out of the Type 2
picture, but Blinding hasn't made a
comeback. *shrug*
Constructed - 4.5
Casual - 4
Limited - 4.5
The Antman |
Kavu- Uncommon- PS
hey peoples, today we have probably one of the
best red creatures ever made (and at uncommon
4 for a 4/2 isnt exciting, but if you tack on a
amazing ability that kills most of the creatures
in the game then you have something that is both
exciting and freaken awsome. when kavu comes
into play he deals 4 damage to any creature, and
after that he can go ahead and attack next turn
for 4 damage, he pretty much clears the way for
himself. i belive this deck was used in fires
along with blastoderm and many other cheep good
fatties that can beat the opponet into pulp.
constructed: 4.8/5 great card, great creature
limited: 5/5 creature and removal, what can be
casual: 3/5 a ok creature, he just doesnt have
that casual pizzaz
Final Thought: just watch out for those
untargetable creatures
Squirrel |
The sheer existence of Flametongue Kavu halted
the playability of many fatties. How can you
play against something with power equal to its
casting cost AND a creature that destroys almost
anything when it comes out? I guess the answer
is you don’t deal, you play it. Kavu went into
every Red/Green beats deck during its time in
Type 2 and it still shows up in Extended. Kavu
comes out, kills Serra Angel, and then can
either block and kill another fatty, or start
the beating. When people think of Invasion block
rotating, everyone thought of Kavu leaving Type
2. It had that much influence.
In limited I imagine this was powerful too. Even
though it has no evasion, it still blows up a
creature and can attack a few times.
Constructed: 4
Casual: 4
Limited: 4