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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com
Reviewed August 05, 2005
Constructed: 3.75
Casual: 3.62
Limited: 4.12
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

* Game Store Owner |
Well, this is simple. This card just makes
creatures waaaaay tooooo big. If you are playing
creatures in older formats, I would definitely
give this card a look. You'll likely want two or
three of them, but they are absolutely worth it.
There isn't a lot of negative commentary to find
involving Berserk.
Constructed: 4.5
Casual: 4
Limited: 5
Paul Hagan |
If you ever wanted evidence that the quality of
R&D has gone up dramatically since Magic's early
days, here it is. One of your creatures dying is
hardly a drawback, especially if you are
guaranteeing a large amount of damage on a
trampler. Odds are that the creature will be
dead anyway, so you really just have a one-mana
spell that can swing the game dramatically in
your favor with a single combat. Obscene.
Constructed Rating: 4.0
Casual Rating: 4.0
Limited Rating: 4.0

Gerhardt |
Another popular card for this week. Berserk has
versatility, which is what separates the good
cards from the great ones. Berserk can give you
a knock out punch against your opponent. Or, it
can be used to detroy your opponent's creature
or stop it from attacking. Nice, versatile, good
times. The oracle (current) text reads that you
have to play it before the attack step:
"Berserk {G} Instant Play Berserk only before
the combat damage step. Target creature gains
trample and gets +X/+0 until end of turn, where
X is its power. At end of turn, destroy that
creature if it attacked this turn."
Constructed - 3.5
Casual - 3.5
Limited - 3.5
The Antman |
Uncommon- ABU
hey peoples today we have one of the best green
cards ever: Berserk
this card goes great with yesterdays flametounge
kavu. think of this: turn 4 play kavu to kill
your opponets creature, then turn 5 with the
opponets clear field attack and berserk it for 8
damage to the dome. now thats awsome. probably
what makes this card so amazing is its
undercostedness (is that a word?) at 1 green
constructed: 3/5 hasnt seen much play as of
late, but you never know...
limited: 4/5 perfect for a alpha strike
casual 5/5 a perfect casual card, make your big
dudes bigger!!!
Final Thought: sorry ive had short reviews
lately, there hasnt been much to say about the
cards besides that thier awsome or they stink
Squirrel |
It’s not hard to see why Berserk was one of
first cards to be put on the Restricted list for
DCI play. Giant Growthing a 1/1 a few times
might not look too bad, but a Berserk raises
that power to 14. Then what? You Fork Berserk to
raise it to 28. Insane. It’s no wonder many
people went berserk when Berserk was
unrestricted. o.O Even so, there seem to be many
decks that focus on burning someone to death or
decking, and since its restriction, I’ve always
thought this card has declined. Even so it’s
still good.
Constructed: 4
Casual: 5
Stoltzfus |
Berserk is a classic card, and it is funny to
look at Vintage play now and think that this
needed to be restricted at one time. That said,
it is a really cool, if undercosted, card from
Magic's younger days. Its impact can certainly
be seen by the number of cards that have since
seen print that sort of duplicate the effect,
although always at a much more prohibitive cost.
Obviously, in constructed play, this is a card
that can end games, but in formats where it is
legal, Berserk isn't nearly as powerful as it
used to be. Judging this card for limited play
is difficult, as no one is going to be doing
Unlimited Sealed Deck play anytime soon. That
said, if it was printed in recent sets, I think
this card would be playable, but not an
automatic first pick. In limited play, the
destruction of the creature at end of turn
actually makes the card less playable as a
combat trick than most similar cards that
usually pump toughness as well to save the
targeted creature. In casual play, this is a
cute trick to play once in a while, but really
isn't that fun, probably just not going to be
used that much
Constructed -- 4
Casual -- 2.5
Limited -- 2