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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com
Dream Halls
Reviewed August 08, 2005
Constructed: 5
Casual: 4
Limited: 5
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews
The Antman |
Dream Halls -
Rare - SH
before I get started let me say one thing... I
yes yes I have chosen today's picks no need to
thank me, this week we have a theme... and that
theme is... craziness!!!
today we have the uber broken and crazy, Dream
for a mere 5 mana you can play any card in your
hand just like a force of will (with out the
life loss of course), Dream Halls was so good
that it was banned from everything except T1,
and even there it is restricted. once this card
hits play the game is pretty much over. you can
have a krosan cloudscraper by just getting rid
of your bears, you can play your time spiral by
discarding your little evermind, or you could
play your greater harvester by saying good bye
to your one with nothing (YES!! a use for it!).
as you can see this card has infinite
constructed- 5/5 need i explain more?
limited- 5/5 anything for free? talk about game
winning 5th turn
casual- 4/5 a very fun and innovative card
final thought- when you play this card you dream
of winning wont be far off! (haha! i used a pun)
Tim Stoltzfus |
Dream Halls
Ok this week’s cards are wacky, to be sure. To
kick off the week we get Dream Halls. A card
that was given the honor of worst card in the
set by a Magic publication at the time, then
went on to be banned in Extended. Dream halls is
an excellent card for building a deck around,
but it is easily abusable. The fortunate part is
in casual play, many players look to make fun
plays as opposed to making the broken play. In
limited, this is worthless.
Constructed – 4
Casual – 4
Limited – 1