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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com
Reviewed August 09, 2005
Constructed: 1.5
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 2.5
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews
Stoltzfus |
What?? That’s really the best word to describe
this card. It has a cool flavor to it, but was
made back in Magic’s early days when things were
much more innocent and we didn’t have ways to
make our opponents flip the table in frustration
via tricks like Isochron Scepter. It’s a fun
card to goof around with, but really, doesn’t
have much applicable value to any format that
people play regularly. As for limited play,
well, if you are playing limited with Arabian
Nights, you are a better human than I.
Constructed -- 1
Casual – 3.5
Limited – 1
The Antman |
Shahrazad -
hey peoples, today we have the crazy, kooky, and
widely hated Shahrazad
the reason why people hate this card is because
of its tendency to create very long games, but
here (exclusively for you pojo viewers) I have a
secret 4 card combo, that will make the opponent
concede 99.99% of the time (the other .01% is
from disruption). and here it is:
1. play panoptic mirror and imprint Shahrazad
2. play isochron scepter and imprint fork/twincast
whala 2 subgames of magic a turn, don't you just
love it ^.^ just imagine the mirror match...
constructed- 2/5 not much use for it now adays
limited- 4/5 half of your opponents life gone?
sure ill take it (or a tie from extremely long
casual- ?/5 it depends if you are playing it or
not. for you= 5/5 for your opponent
final thought- tomorrow: one of the craziest
cards yet