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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com
Goblin Game
Reviewed August 11, 2005
Constructed: 1
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 1
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews
Stoltzfus |
Goblin Game
Goblin Game is an awesome card. If you’re
looking for something silly to collect. Like my
friend who managed to hoard over 200 of this
card at one point. Beyond that, it’s really not
that good. It’s unplayable in constructed and
limited, and in casual play, it’s best
application would be to slap it on a Panoptic
Mirror. Beyond that, it just doesn’t do enough
for a big, fun casual effect
Constructed – 1
Casual – 2
Limited – 1
The Antman |
Goblin Game-
Rare- PS
wow... our crazy week continues with today's:
Goblin Game
the reason why I chose this card for today was
because of its freaky "game" of hiding an
"object", heck you could hide 100 "objects" if
you really wanted to... so what you do is you
play something like platinum angel and then this
the next turn and hide... lets say, 100000 atoms
in your hand (remember it says "object" :P) then
not only will the opponet lose X life, they will
also lose half thier life rounded up. now isnt
hiding "objects" fun?
constructed- 1/5 not very good at all
limited- 1/5 ditto
casual- 5/5 the possibilities are endless
final thought- ive just thought of the coolest
cas. combo. first you play goblin game, then you
hide x4 cheatyfaces then when you reveal them
"reveal" them and put them out as if they were
in play, then if the opponet doesnt notice that
you purposely put them like that, you just put
x4 2/2 flyers into play for free ^.^