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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com
Thief of Hope
Champions of Kamigawa
Reviewed August 16, 2005
Constructed: 3
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 3.5
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Thief of Hope
This card is primarily valuable in limited play,
but offers some usefulness in constructed
(although he was not visible in this year's
Kamigawa Block Constructed season...). In
limited, Thief goes well in a primarily black
deck with LOTS of Spirit and Arcane cards. The
two life point swing that his
special ability represents is quite valuable in
limited. Of course, he's also a 2/2 Spirit for
just three mana, as well, so he's perfectly
in limited simply as a creature. This card's
ability, however, is NOT so powerful as some
think. Sometimes, an opponent will go way out of
his way to
destroy Thief of Hope when I have more important
creatures in play. Worrying
too much about the Thief's special ability is a
mistake, but not one you have to worry about
when he's on your side. This card SHOULD be
interesting enough in constructed Spirit/Arcane
decks, but the fact that Thief of Hope saw very
little action in the current block constructed
season probably indicates that he's not that
good in constructed.
Phoenix Tamer |
Thief of Hope
Thief of Hope is a good, solid, kamigawa card.
It's great to put in a spirit deck
for just the right push to win the you gaining
one life and the opponet losing one in return.
What's so good about it is that spirit tokens
count as well, so if you can get alot of spirit
tokens out, so if you can get them out, then you
can gain and deal massive amounts of damage. I
likethe fact it's an uncommon, it makes it
pretty easy to get a hold of, and the effect is
not all that big,but combined with cards like
Devouring Greed, it's a great finisher card.
Ratings are all fours becauseit's great in
limited for kamigawa block, an d it's great in
casual play, not the best card in the world,but
none the less, we should notice it