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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com
Final Punishment
Ninth Edition
Reviewed August 22, 2005
Constructed: 1.5
Casual: 2.25
Limited: 1.25
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
I consider having to review this card as a kind
of final punishment, actually... This card is
kind of like Fork or, as you kids call it today,
Twincast. Final Punishment kind of lets you
"copy" all the damage already done to your
opponent this turn and smack 'em with it again.
The big problem is how did you do enough damage
to be worth the trouble of using this card while
leaving yourself enough mana to cast this 3BB
sorcery? In a black/red deck, would Final
Punishment be any better than just playing Lava
Axe, in most cases? Nah. Just give me the axe.
(uh...Pojo Managment...please don't give me the
axe, it's just a figure of speech! Thanks!) In
limited play, if you were stuck needing a 23rd
spell for your deck and you had a pretty
aggressive deck, you could think about including
Final Punishment as a way to potentially win the
game a turn sooner. In the grand scheme of
things, you just want to use a better method to
deal damage than Final Punishment. This card
doesn't fare much better in constructed, simply
because the use of this card is far too narrow,
and because the idea of this card (finish off an
opponent with additional life loss in a turn
where you have already damaged him) doesn't fit
very well with the kind of deck that would bring
about the desired circumstance. Hated it.
Stoltzfus |
Final Punishment is an interesting mechanic, but
is flawed because of its costs. It is sorcery
speed, which cuts down greatly on any potential
surprise value. It costs five total mana, which
makes anything involving casting spells that
damage your opponent, and then doubling that,
highly unlikely. In casual play, it can make for
some cute tricks, but its costs and extreme
level of dependence on other things happening in
the turn make it pretty much unplayable in any
tournament play.
Constructed – 1
Casual – 2.5
Limited – 1