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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com
Greater Good
Ninth Edition
Reviewed August 24, 2005
Constructed: 2.2
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 2.7
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Greater Good
Greater Good is almost good, could have been
greater, but ends up just smelling bad. Is it
ever worth playing an expensive (we'll say 2GG
is expensive for an enchantment) enchantment
just for the benefit it might give us in future
turns? In limited play, I'd have to say yes. In
8th and 9th edition sealed deck or booster draft
play, Treasure Trove is worth tapping out for
(2UU) so that you can draw extra cards in future
turns. Similarly, big enchantments that give all
your creatures flying or even that make all of
your creatures into Thieving Magpies (can't
remember what that one is called, it's in 8th
edition) can be very useful. Greater Good simply
doesn't make the cut, but it PROBABLY DID way
back when it was being tested. I suspect that in
initial testing, you were able to sacrifice a
creature and draw AND KEEP cards equal to the
power of the creature. Sacrifice a Grizzly Bear,
draw two cards. Sacrifice a Craw Wurm, draw six!
Then, after discovering this was TOO POWERFUL,
the great minds at Research and Development "dumbed
down" this card by adding the final clause,
requiring you to discard THREE cards. Now when
you sacrifice a Grizzly Bear, you draw two cards
and then discard three...hmmm, interesting
investment. You might not mind sacrificing a
Craw Wurm to net a three card advantage, but the
usefulness of sacrificing creatures with a power
of less than three is dubious. If you have been
holding onto a handful of land that your don't
need, maybe using an effect that makes you
discard as many (or more) cards than you get to
draw makes sense, but I kind of doubt it. I
gotta say, I tend to STAY AWAY from green
enchantments that cost two green mana, they are
generally more trouble than they are worth.
Stoltzfus |
Greater Good
Some cards beg for combos, and Greater Good is
one of those cards. Back in the Urza’s Saga
days, Greater Good was simply overshadowed by
the absurd power levels of the sets that
surrounded it. By today’s standards, Greater
Good has greater potential. In constructed play,
I don’t think it will be effective because of
its casting cost. If it was a little cheaper, it
might be more playable to come down and simply
act as a way to effectively use creatures that
are about to die. In Limited play, this card is
marginal, at best. Casual play is where this
card will shine, allowing for some fun combos
that will entertain multiplayer players the
world over. Sacrificing cards like Ryusei, the
Falling Star should make for some entertaining
Constructed – 2
Casual – 4
Limited – 1.5

Gerhardt |
Greater Good
Now that would team up nicely with Ball
Lightning...but I really don't imagine that's
going to happen, considering color costs. But
still not horrible for a limited deck or maybe
something in casual. When your creature is about
to bite the dust anyhow, you can draw some extra
cards off of it. Still not something you'll see
much of. You'll probably want to run it in a
pretty fat deck, so casual play seems to suit it
Constructed - 1.5
Casual - 2.5
Limited - 3
The Antman |
Greater Good-
Rare-9th edition
hey peoples, today we have one of the funnest
green cards, and one of the best card drawing
engines ever, Greater Good.
this card has soo many posibilities i wish i
could stay here and name them all, but i have
limited space, and time for that matter (2
minutes till bed >.<) so i will just note one of
my favorite combos that this one person
destroyed me with in a "casual" extended game:
greater good
oversold cemetary
+3 other creatures in grave
at every end of turn just sac your kokusho to
draw 5 cards and deal 5 damage AND gain 5 life
(*whew*). then the next turn just bring koko
back thanks to oversold cemetary and play again.
wrinse, was, repeat.
constructed- 3/5 not very good in constructed,
but the draw engine is still crazy
limited- 4/5 9th edition has a lot of fatties
and fatties=lots o cards
casual- 5/5 a perfict casual card, you can just
make a deck made to deck yourself before your
final thought- fun fun fun, one of my top 10
favorite cards of all time
Phoenix Tamer |
Greater Good
Back when the Urza Series was coming out, this
was one of the best cards out.
Alot of decks were made around it, if you don't
get what i mean it was kinda the Arcbound
Ravager of its time. Now, it really to me has no
use, it's a very well balanced card and you can
make very good combos with it. But, since their
is so much control stuff out now it kinda makes
it useless for game play except casual. I like
this card very much, but to reprint it back in
9th Edition, to me kinda was not the best choice