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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com
Ninth Edition
Reviewed August 25, 2005
Constructed: 3.37
Casual: 3.25
Limited: 4
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
"In the dark of the moon, she planted, but there
came a killing frost!"
should be the flavor text of the card that they
went and called "Wildfire".
This card has been greatness since it first
appeared in Urza's Saga (watch as I fail to
properly acknowledge the existence of Portal).
It is a pleasure to welcome this fiery friend
back in Ninth Edition. When you're a red mage,
and you are serious about clearing the board,
and especially when you have more land than your
opponent, Wildfire is the card for you. In
limited, its a late game bomb that only you can
plan around while your opponent sits there
clueless about the future. Wildfire, however, is
best used in constructed red decks that don't
have any spells that cost more than three or
four EXCEPT for Wildfire. When Wildfire hits the
table, it hurts the board situation of your
opponent regardless of whether they are playing
white weenie with five creatures in play or mono
blue control with NO creatures in play. Your red
spells are cheap, so you don't mind having to
start over with just two land in play. Your
opponents will proabably wish you hadn't played
this card, which is what Magic is ALL ABOUT
Stoltzfus |
Wildfire is one of the great gems of 9th
Edition. The board sweeping power of this
classic red card, combined with its easily
broken symmetry, make it a card that is likely
to see lots of play in Standard in the coming
years. Use it with Fellwar Stone or the Mirrodin
Talismans to make sure you have mana after the
board has been wiped. Play cratures like Arc-Slogger
or Razormane Masticore that will stick around
after the fire hits. This card will definitely
see lots of play, or at least will be tried. In
limited this is, simply, a bomb. First pick it
every time.
Constructed – 5
Casual – 4
Limited – 5

Gerhardt |
A reset button of sorts. If you build a fat deck
around it, it's not too bad. Wildfire isn't
something you'll see many people playing, but
it's a card to consider for limited play. If you
do decide to build a fat casual deck, you could
throw it in and have your big guys survive and
probably still knock out most, if not all, of
your opponent's guys.
Constructed - 1.5
Casual - 2
Limited - 3
Phoenix Tamer |
A good card, if combined with the right card(s).
With terravore decks, it can cause major havoc
for people. The mana is set high, but then again
it is destroying 4 lands making the terravore
ultra beefy. This card is very underrated,
course it's really for specified decks only,
dangerous card, and it doesn't cost alot, who
can really beat that?
Limited~4 |