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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com
Consult the Necrosages
Reviewed December 05, 2005
Constructed: 3
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 3.5
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Consult the
Certainly good enough for limited, I find it
hard to believe that players will find this card
good enough to play in constructed. The only
constructed format where I think this card has a
serious chance is the My Collection Only Has 100
Cards In It format. In limited, this card is
good but not great, you need two colors to play
a sorcery that only nets you one extra card. The
flexibility, however, to make your opponent
discard two cards makes this card a little
better. The fact is, however, that the good
booster draft players I talk to say that this
card fails to make the cut more often than I
might have thought.

Gerhardt |
Consult the
Very solid card in the limited Blue/Black build
for Ravnica block. My current MTGO league deck
has never won a game by reducing an opponent's
life total to zero. Instead it seeks to control
the board and their drawing, and mostly wins by
decking them (or they concede when they see the
writing on the wall). I haven't lost a match
with it (out of 7 so far) though their have been
some close calls while I stuggle to gain control
at the beginning. Once I do though, it goes
rather well. Consult plays a nice role in the
deck, usually by drawing a couple of cards for
myself, though it can also make my opponent
discard if I know they have something mean in
hand that got bounced back with my Mark of
Eviction (see that later this week).
Constructed - 3.5
Casual - 4
Limited - 4
Paul Hagan |
Consult the
This card is about as good as blue-black will
get in a card that gives a player the option to
draw or discard. Two cards for three mana is the
accepted norm, whether it is forcing someone to
discard or allowing you to draw (or the other
way around in rare instances). The fact that
Consult the Necrosages gives you, as the player,
the option to manipulate card advantage on the
board is absolutely stellar, and I think that
any Standard deck running blue and black should
take this card into heavy consideration.
Unfortunately, outside of the realm of Block and
Standard, I doubt this card will see much play
due to the variety of other cards available.
In limited, Consult the Necrosages is a little
bit better, as the point of some games is to see
who can drop their better creatures faster.
Better creatures tend to be a bit higher on the
mana curve, meaning playing Consult the
Necrosages at the right time can severely hinder
your opponent. Play this card if you are in blue
and black in Limited.
Constructed Rating: 3.0
Casual Rating: 2.5
Limited Rating: 3.0
Kronick |
Consult the
Let me
start by saying that I love this card, but I
hate it's pieces. I've never liked Mind Rot or
Counsel of the Soratami. But when they are
combined, suddenly we have something special.
This is one of the fundamental building blocks
of the Dimir decks you're likely to run into in
RRR drafting, and it's no slouch in constructed,
either. 2 cards, taken or given, are quite
powerful either way. Most of the time, I use
this as early card draw to even out my land or
as a late game strike to take out the last
(hopefully powerful and expensive) cards in my
opponent's hand. It's never going to be a dead
card, and I highly recommend it.
Constructed Rating - 3.0
Casual Rating - 3.2
Limited Rating - 3.25