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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com
Mark of Eviction
Reviewed December 07, 2005
Constructed: 2.5
Casual: 2.8
Limited: 3.6
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Mark of
This card is a LOT better in limited than most
people know. If you don't believe, just try it
some time. When you play Mark of Eviction on a
creature, you tie up some or all of your
opponent's mana every turn, while all you have
is a one mana casting cost enchantment to play
over and over again. The weakness of this card
is the fact that the enchanted creature still
gets to swing after you enchant it. In Ravnica
limited play, pace is very important. Mark of
Eviction gives you the ability to gum up the
works on the other side of the board for just
one blue mana. It might be some kind of strange
tech that this card returns the enchanted
creature and all auras (creature enchantments)
that are attached to that creature. That means
that if you put Mark of Eviction on my creature,
I could enchant the same creature with Galvanic
Arc and then get my Galvanic Arc back to use
again when Mark of Eviction returns my creature
back to my hand. Of course, blue/red drafters
like my man Trent Boneau can also use this trick
to their own advantage. This card is just tricky
enough that it could be good enough for
competitive constructed formats. It's a little
iffy for constructed only because creatures tend
to be cheaper and it may be difficult to justify
Mark of Eviction taking the place of some sort
of counter Magic or card draw in a blue
constructed deck.
Paul Hagan |
Mark of
Man, did players get rid of this card quickly.
When the set first came out, I saw a ton of
people try to play Mark of Eviction as a control
card for their opponents' problem creatures.
Every time I saw it hit, it felt like I was
watching half of the table react a turn too late
to everything that happened. Apparently, the
players felt this way too and dumped this card
for better, more reliable removal within two
weeks. I have to agree with their sentiments.
As for limited, even with my mantra of "any
removal is good removal", Mark of Eviction might
not make the cut all the time just because of
its unreliable nature. If I'm not in black or
red, the sources of good removal, I would be
willing to give this card the nod, but if my
deck is black-blue or red-blue, I'm not so sure.
Constructed Rating: 1.5
Casual Rating: 1.5
Limited Rating: 2.5

Gerhardt |
Mark of
A very powerful card in limited Rav control. You
can constantly be bouncing your opponent's
creatures back to their hand, forcing them to
recast and slowing them way down as you tie up
their mana as they continually have to recast
their creatures. Eventually, they will find a
way to kill their own Marked creature just to
get rid of the Aura. So for just one U, you can
either tie up their mana, or force them to use
their removal on their own creature. A great
The cost is right, but I don't know if there is
a constructed build that uses Mark. In limited,
definitely a fun card to add to a control build.
Constructed - 3
Casual - 4
Limited - 4.5