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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com
Icy Manipulator
Reviewed December 14, 2005
Constructed: 3.2
Casual: 3.43
Limited: 3.5
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

* Game Store Owner |
Icy Manipulator
I'm going to say something here that might get
disagreed with among our staff, but I believe
Icy Manipulator is much better than it's given
credit for. I think more control decks should
seriously consider playing this card. It can
slow down the opponent. It can cause problems
for them by manipulating their many situation.
And honestly, how many times has a control deck
been beaten down by the singular creature on the
opposing side of the table? I'm not going to say
it's a must have in a deck, but it's definitely
worth giving some consideration to.
Constructed: 3.5
Casual: 3.5
Limited: 3

Gerhardt |
Icy Manipulator
Spicey Icy. And it happens to be this month's
Friday Night Magic prize! As always, a popular
card no matter what the format, and one that's
been around since the beginning of time (MTG
time, anyhow).
Constructed - 3
Casual - 3
Limited - 3
Kronick |
Icy Manipulator
My thoughts about Icy can be divided up into
four sections. When I first used this card, it
was back in the beta/unlimited days. It was
especially powerful back then, when
untargetability was extremely uncommon and the
big finishers were all giant dragons and angels
and such. When Ice Age came out, it was perhaps
even more powerful, as a lot of the super
powerful cards of old had fallen by the wayside.
After a long hiatus, it returned to us in
Mirrodin, and it was once again proven to be
extremely powerful. Again in 9th edition, the
same thing happened. In limited formats for any
of the four sets that Icy has appeared in, it is
one of the top picks. It hasn't really made a
splash in constructed since Winter Orb left us,
but you never know when tapping something down
is going to come back into vogue.
Constructed Rating - 3.2
Casual Rating - 3.8
Limited Rating - 4.5
Paul Hagan |
Icy Manipulator
I think this card has begun to slip past people,
yet it is still of quality. The four-mana
casting cost is a bit rough at times, but since
the activation cost is the right price, I still
rate Icy Manipulator pretty high. The fact that
it hits almost any threat imaginable is good;
the fact that it can fit into any deck because
it is an artifact makes it great. Don't forget
about this card when you are building decks.
For limited play, I'm OK with Icy Manipulator
finding its way into almost any of my decks.
There are very few limited games where I don't
find myself wishing I had one more way to deal
with one of my opponents' threats, and Icy
Manipulator fits that want nicely.
Constructed Rating: 3.0
Casual Rating: 3.0
Limited Rating: 3.5