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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com
Reviewed December 16, 2005
Constructed: 2.65
Casual: 2.15
Limited: 2.31
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

* Game Store Owner |
This card has caused a ton of debates. It's not
completely terrible. But on that same note, it's
not amazing either. Early game it at least gives
you the ability to disrupt your opponents tempo
and gameplan. However, late in the game, it just
causes them to eat up mana. That's not a bad
then...but when you need to stop a spell, it's
not a great thing either. You can use it to draw
a card if need be, by targeting one of your own
spells, but you really don't want to HAVE to do
Constructed: 2.5
Casual: 1.5
Limited: 1.5
Paul Hagan |
This card is one of the Top 5 Most Overrated
Cards in Ravnica. Yes, there is a contest. No,
we don't have a winner yet. Judges are still
out; they can't seem to agree how overrated
Doubling Season is. Anyways, two mana for a
counter is generally pretty good, right? Well,
sorta. At one point, Memory Lapse was played.
It, however, took away an opponent's turn. Mana
Leak is pretty good, too. That said, Mana Leak
actually counters cards. Remand does neither. It
draws a card and hopes that your opponent
doesn't have enough mana to cast the spell
again. I keep seeing this card played, and it
keeps not working out that well.
If I were making anything that played counters
right now, my list would include cards like Mana
Leak, Hinder, and yes, maybe even Rewind (even
though I'm not too big on more than 8 counters
in a deck). Remand, on the other hand, would be
sitting in my chafe box alongside past turkeys
like Rethink and Hindering Touch.
Constructed Rating: 2.0
Casual Rating: 1.5 -- too many options to play
Limited Rating: 2.0

Gerhardt |
It's like a Time Walk... a really...not as
good...Time Walk. =/
Just not seeing much play in limited circles.
Don't know about the control world out there for
constructed though. Not so much for casual play
- too boring.
Constructed - 2
Casual - 2
Limited - 2
Kronick |
Finally, this week, we come to one of my
favorite cards in Ravnica. Remand is something I
mentioned in my article last week as being an
excellent example of a "Tempo" card. It slows
your opponent down, while not depriving you of
much. Sometimes it's even more than that. Remand
can counter an important spell which is then
rendered much less useful. For instance,
Remanding someone's Giant Growth that they had
just used to make things complicated in combat
means very little usually - unless that was
their last green mana. At times like that,
Remand is a quick little spell that can throw a
huge monkeywrench into your opponent's plans.
That it can also help a control deck avoid the
early rush and smooth your mana curve a bit
makes this one an all-star.
Constructed Rating - 4.0
Casual Rating - 3.6
Limited Rating - 3.75