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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com
Jester's Cap
Ninth Edition
Reviewed July 19, 2005
Constructed: 3.5
Casual: 3.9
Limited: 3.3
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

* Game Store Owner |
Jester's Cap
This is neat to see back. I don't expect it to
define a format, but it is definitely fun. It
can be used as effectively removal of sideboard
cards that can scare you. And it some ways it
functions as a Cranial Extraction that can be
played with colorless mana. Players will be glad
to see this one in 9th Edition.
Constructed: 3
Casual: 4
Limited: 2.5
Paul Hagan |
Jester's Cap --
I'm a little bit unsure what to think about
Jester's Cap, especially with regards to its
impact on Standard once it rotates back in. The
casting cost and the activation cost are both
reasonable. The effect generated by the card
seems like it could be really useful, too. I'm
just not sure where this card fits within any
deck -- main deck, sideboard, or there might not
be enough room.
In limited, it is much easier for Jester's Cap
to make the cut. It allows you to remove your
opponent's three best cards (especially any
bombs they might have pulled), and with only
forty cards, you are doing a lot more damage to
their draws.
Constructed Rating: 3.0
Casual Rating: 3.0
Limited Rating: 3.5
Tim Stoltzfus |
Jester’s Cap
Ok now THIS is interesting. A classic card with
a splashy ability, who doesn’t love this? In
Limited, this card is playable, but only in an
otherwise well-rounded deck. You’re going to
want to play it in a control-style limited deck
that can take advantage of either preemptively
removing three threats from the opponent’s deck,
or even the three-card swing for the potential
of decking your opponent.
In constructed, this card has a lot of
potential. Two cards come immediately to mind to
use in combination with Jester’s Cap; Bringer of
the White Dawn and/or Beacon of Unrest. In
Standard play, why bother restricting your plays
for the rest of the game with Neverending
Torment? A decklist, perhaps?
4 Jester’s Cap
4 Beacon of Unrest
2 Mindslaver
4 Kagemaro, First to Suffer
4 Barter in Blood
4 Wayfarer’s Bauble
4 Lose Hope
3 Consume Spirit
4 Cruel Edict
Lotsa Swamps
The basic idea here is to recur Jester’s Cap
with Beacon of Unrest to deck your opponent,
while killing their creatures to stay alive.
This is just an idea, the Mindslavers are there
as a backup plan in case someone hits your
Jester’s Caps with Splinter or Cranial
Jester’s Cap has lots of applications, enjoy it
while it is around!
Constructed 4
Casual 4.5
Limited 3.5

Gerhardt |
Jester's Cap
It's back! Cap is definitely an old school
favorite. It can wreak havoc with combo decks by
removing key elements and making it difficult or
impossible for a combo to go off. I'm sure that
Cap will find its way into the hearts of many a
new school player too. Great in constructed, it
also does really well in limited and casual play
too. Nice, solid pick in a draft.
Constructed - 3.5
Casual - 4
Limited - 3.5
Squirrel |
Jester’s Cap
Well, we got Cranial Extraction not too long ago
and people LOVE that card, so you have to at
least LIKE Jester. A grand total of six mana for
the effect is very pricey, but it’s an artifact,
and essentially does it at instant speed for 2
mana. The fact that you can pick ANY three
cards, and not just one, is a huge plus over
Cranial or Lobotomy. Be sure to pick up a few of
these for your sideboard, as even if you can’t
use it to get rid of a combo deck’s win
condition, you see their whole deck, which is
even more useful in limited. No more surprises
after this card.
Constructed: 4
Casual: 4
Limited: 3.5