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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com
Hell's Caretaker
Ninth Edition
Reviewed July 20, 2005
Constructed: 2.7
Casual: 3.7
Limited: 3.3
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

* Game Store Owner |
This guy likes bringing creatures back into
play. And man is he dangerous. This guy can lead
to some crazy combo situations. He can keep big
creatures coming back. Imagine reusing an
Eternal Witness or a Gravedigger. And I'm not
even going to elaborate of all the possibilities
in Extended. You can definitely expect to see
this guy in several decks and/or sideboard.
Constructed: 3.5
Casual: 4
Limited: 4
Paul Hagan |
Much like yesterday's card, I'm not quite sure
what to make of Hell's Caretaker. I couldn't
really expect this card to cost any less,
especially with how abusive this power could be.
However, it is four mana for a 1/1 creature, and
you can only use the ability during your upkeep,
which could wind up limiting you more than you'd
like. I'm having difficulty seeing the Caretaker
make an impact on any format, so I'm going to
give it a slightly low rating. However, if I'm
proven wrong within the next couple of months, I
wouldn't be surprised.
In limited play, I can see this card making the
cut most of the time whenever you are playing
black. Limited tends to lean towards "my
creature vs. your creature", and if you can keep
getting your biggest and best back into play,
then you'll eventually win out.
Constructed Rating: 2.5
Casual Rating: 2.5
Limited Rating: 3.0
Stoltzfus |
Hell’s Caretaker is a fun, classic card. In
limited, this is a great card if it stays on the
board for any length of time. When Hell’s
Caretaker is on the board, every creature you
play can be the best creature you’ve played so
far that game. If you have creatures with solid
comes-into play effects, then it can just become
silly. I don’t know if this will be playable in
constructed tournament play, it is probably a
bit too slow for the current tournament
environment. In casual play, though, this card
shines. In multiplayer games, use it to cycle
creatures that have good comes into play effects
over and over to help or hurt other players as
you see fit. Cards like Chittering Rats,
Duplicant, Eternal Witness, and Nekrataal are
all excellent for recursion. The problem with
Hell’s Caretaker is his one toughness keeps him
exceedingly hard to keep out of the graveyard.
You may want to consider cards that increase its
toughness, or make it untargetable to keep
Hell’s Caretaker on the board longer.
Constructed 2.5
Casual 4.5
Limited 4

Gerhardt |
Well, I suppose this could be used as a type of
Reanimate. If it works out, this could be a very
interesting card, as it can possibly do it over
and over. As a 1/1, it's a bit fragile,
especially at 4 mana, but still may be workable.
I can see this being a casual card for the
reanimate freaks out there. It's even playable
in limited.
Constructed - 3
Casual - 3
Limited - 3.5
Squirrel |
I hadn’t heard of this card until now, so I did
a little research. The most outstanding combo
was clearly Hell’s Caretake + Rukh Egg. (Use
Caretaker’s ability to sacrifice the Egg, which
puts the token into play. Then you can
“sacrifice” another creature to bring back the
Egg and repeat the cycle.) The fact that
Caretaker isn’t a legend is useful as well
because it means you can have two on the field
to sacrifice each other. It does only have one
toughness, however, if something tries to burn
it, you can always respond with its ability one
more time.
I’m not sure how well this will do in limited or
constructed for that matter. It seems very
situational, and with one toughness, it dies
quickly. People will definitely try this in both
formats, but I think this will probably meet the
same fate that Royal Assassin did; cool card
that will be high trade bait, but no one will
use it.
Constructed: 2
Casual: 4.5
Limited: 2