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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com
Kird Ape
Ninth Edition
Reviewed July 21, 2005
Constructed: 2.8
Casual: 2.7
Limited: 2.6
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

* Game Store Owner |
Kird Ape
Simply Bad. There is no reason to play this over
a more efficient creature at this point. It has
no special abilities are anything other than to
become a 2/3. That's not so hot really. It's not
bad, but it's far from great.
Constructed: 2
Casual: 2.5
Limited: 1.5
Paul Hagan |
Kird Ape --
You know, I've never been as big on Kird Ape as
some people seem to be, but I suppose it is
acceptable. Although not quite as good as some
other big creatures on Turn 1, Kird Ape will
make enough of an impact to allow it to make the
cut into most green-red decks.
For limited play, this one is easy: if you are
playing green-red, play Kird Ape. If not, leave
it in your sideboard.
Constructed Rating: 3.0
Casual Rating: 3.0
Limited Rating: 2.5
Stoltzfus |
Kird Ape
Well, this one is simple. Play a mountain. Then
play a forest. Attack. Rinse. Repeat. Kird Ape
goes well in all sorts of red/green aggressive
decks, but I don’t know that he is good enough.
Why would you want to play a 1/1 turn one who is
only sometimes going to be a 2/3, when you can
play mana acceleration like Llanowar Elves? Kird
Ape is a classic card, but, like many classics,
the environment seems to be such that it won’t
make much of an impact. In Limited, this guy is
sub-par. If you’re in G/R and see him middle to
late in a draft you can take him, but he isn’t a
card to put you into that deck style. A 5th-7th
Constructed 3
Casual 2
Limited 2.5

Gerhardt |
Kird Ape, the
love of many a Green/Red build, is back. Ape is
an okay add that can become a 2/3 on it's first
attack. While it's a little bland, and it's not
a Goblin, it had its time back in the day. The
question is, will it find any kind of an
audience in the much more interesting
environment of today.
Constructed - 2.5
Casual - 2
Limited - 2.5
Squirrel |
Kird Ape
Man I love it when Cotd goes from Unplayable, to
Cool, to Freaking Awesome, all in four days.
It’s so dramatic!
Oh yes, Kird Ape. A very solid card, which is
always ready to leech off your Taiga. =) Of
course, there’s no dual lands, so you’ll
probably be waiting a turn for his power boost
after casting him. This slows him down some, by
making him more vulnerable, but even so, a turn
2 swinging 2/3 is nothing to ignore. It’s also
nice to know that it’s the same as nearly every
1 drop; a 1/1 with no stats for 1; save the
occasional Isumara, Hound of Konda/Savannah
Kird Ape is obviously a decent, maybe even
great, card that I think will definitely be
stuck in 1 drops slot for a beats deck. At its
worst, it’s a 1/1 that can attack a few times
then die when your bigger creatures come in. At
best, it’s a 2/3 that can be swinging or
blocking while your beats come out. You’re only
risking a little bit of early game stability
that can be resolved by mid-game. Should see
play in all formats, though I’m not sure how
good it’ll actually be.
Constructed: 3.5
Casual: 4
Limited: 4