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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com
Hypnotic Specter
Ninth Edition
Reviewed July 22, 2005
Constructed: 3.41
Casual: 3.9
Limited: 4.01
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

* Game Store Owner |
Specter - Friday
The effect that this card will have on the
metagame is completely debatable. There are a
ton of discussions on this right now. I don't
think the impact will be that great, but it will
definitely be felt in some way shape or form.
Without Dark Ritual, he's definitely not what he
used to be, but he will still be good to have
around at times.
Constructed: 3
Casual: 4.5
Limited: 4.5
Paul Hagan |
Specter --
When people complained about Dark Ritual going
out of Standard, they obviously didn't see the
lighter side of it. If you get rid of the
ability to play certain cards on Turn 1, such as
Hypnotic Specter, they are actually *balanced*.
I'm glad Hippie is back, and the fun part is, he
really is just about as good as he can be
without being overpowered. Expect to see the
Specter roaming about in several black decks,
but don't expect to see him inspiring the fear
of old. As far as new additions to 9th Edition,
Hippie is probably one of my favorites.
In limited, Hypnotic Specter should probably
make the cut, especially because it is an early
creature with evasion. The fact that it can
slowly wreck your opponent's game plan doesn't
hurt, either.
Constructed Rating: 3.5
Casual Rating: 3.5
Limited Rating: 3.5
Stoltzfus |
This classic will make an impact. Part of me
wonders what possessed Wizards of the Coast to
reprint this card. Without Dark Ritual, it is
certainly not as brutal as it used to be, but
with the enemy-color pain lands coming back in
9th Edition, and Birds of Paradise coming in
Ravinca, being able to play this card 2nd turn
for a 3rd turn attack is very likely. Even in a
mono black deck that runs Chrome Mox and
Wayfarer’s Bauble to power out 2nd turn Hypnotic
Specter could make an impact. Be aware of this
card, it will likely be showing up in decks for
quite a while. In limited, this is a tough call.
It is definitely playable, but will probably be
second fiddle to removal in most cases. In
draft, likely a 2nd-4th pick.
Constructed 4.5
Casual 4
Limited 3.5
Tim Stoltzfus

Gerhardt |
Hippie has returned, and while he is a
sentimental favorite, I think many will find he
just lacks the luster to make an impression in
this Dark Ritualess world. Maybe some forget
that without Dark Ritual to power this guy out
turn 1, he's really not that great. He's only
good when you can have him swinging and wrecking
your opponent's hand right off the bat, making
it difficult for them to deal with it. You're
hoping for the reaction to spiral out of
control, especially by using other cards in your
deck to accellerate the discard effect. A hippie
on turn 3 just isn't the same thing.
In casual, Specter may still find a loyal
audience, as the casual realm may allow Dark
Rituals to be played. In that case, good times.
In limited, it's an auto-include for black
builds - your opponent may have a difficult time
dealing with this guy.
Constructed - 2.5
Casual - 4.5
Limited - 4
The Antman |
Specter- Rare- 9th
hey everyone. i am back from my long trip to
origins and beyond and now i am all freshend up
enough to give you all a CotD of one of my most
fav. cards in the whole game, hypnotic specter,
or as he is known in the magic world: Hyppie.
a 2/2 flyer for 3 you say? already this is
sounding not too bad of a card, but when u tack
on a ability it seems almost too good to be
true. his reusuable discard ability makes him
amazing good. he pretty much garintees you
atleast 1 card gone from your opponets hand as
early as turn 3. I do agree that he is only a
shadow of his former self with out dark ritual,
but he is still a awsome card with a awsome
ability. also if you havnt seen his new art i
would suggest you go look for it, it is simply
amazing (10/5 for art), whoever drew him up is
now one of my fav. artists.
anyways back to the review, even tho hyppy was a
great card at one time will he be as great
again? to tell you the sad but humble truth, I
dont think so. the fact that he lost the ability
to come out turn 1 via D. Ritual and the fact
that discard isnt as powerful as it used to be
he probably wont see much play out side casual
and limited.
constructed - 4/5 i am going by his use in other
formats other than future T2, and in older
formats he is a lot more formitible
limited - 4.6/5 some would probably say a little
high but i think a 2/2 flyer with a discard
ability for 3 is really good.
casual - 3/5 not much of a casual card but it
doesnt make him any less interesting
final thought - i really hope he is more useful
in 9th T2 than i said he would be, but as ive
said before, only time will tell.
Squirrel |
“Useful” is the word that comes to mind when I
think of this card. “Will see play” is a little
bit foggier. Its ability to discard is
conveniently coupled with flying, which is what
makes the card useful. It’s cool; a great card
for limited as it’s a black flier and the
discard can come back to bite you. I’m just
having a tough time envisioning this doing well
in Constructed. It’s meant to attack for
multiple turns to make a big difference, and
while I see that happening in Limited, it just
doesn’t seem possible in Constructed. “Time will
tell, however.”
Constructed: 3
Casual: 4
Limited: 4