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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com
Verdant Force
Ninth Edition
Reviewed July 25, 2005
Constructed: 2.75
Casual: 2.95
Limited: 3.25
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews
Paul Hagan |
Verdant Force
I'm pretty happy this card is back in rotation,
even if it served most of its Tourney Deck time
within reanimator-style decks. If you don't have
a way to trick Verdant Force into play, it takes
a major hit, as it costs a large amount of mana
for a creature that can easily be destroyed. The
good news is that, unless taken care of early,
Verdant Force isn't one of those creatures that
you can block all day long -- the horde of
tokens it creates will quickly become an issue.
I have to give the Force a slightly higher
rating for constructed and casual decks than it
should, just because of the various and assorted
reanimation strategies, but otherwise, its uses
don't vary too much across formats.
Constructed Rating: 2.5
Casual Rating: 2.5
Limited Rating: 3.0
Squirrel |
Verdant Force
Wow, I didn’t notice that when I selecting Cotds
for this week a few weeks ago that we’ve already
reviewed this … twice. I’ve even reviewed it
before. And being that it is 10pm on Sunday
night, I have no way of changing it. Oops. I
guess I just can’t get enough of this guy.
Even though it’s exciting to see him back, he
won’t have reanimator to get him out on turn 1,
but he’s still pretty scary in limited. He
unfortunately dies to any black destroy spell,
but otherwise, you can’t ask for more.
Especially in any kind of multiplayer game.
It’s exciting to see him come back in a core
set. (And look, there’s no reminder text on
upkeep. o.O)
Constructed: 3
Casual: 5
Limited: 3.5
Stoltzfus |
Verdant Force
It really surprised me to see this card on the
9th Edition spoiler lists, but in a good way.
This card is freaking awesome! In limited play,
I can honestly see it getting passed over
because eight mana is a stiff price to pay for
anything in limited. However, if you have a deck
that can keep you alive until this monster hits
the board, it will more than likely win the game
for you, it is worth a shot. In constructed
play, this is the best renaimation target ever!
If the format you’re playing in allows for those
kind of strategies to be viable, this card will
fit right in those decks. As for casual player,
do I need to point out how sick this guy can be
in a multiplayer game?
Limited – 3.5
Constructed – 4
Casual – 5

Gerhardt |
Verdant Force
One of
the more popular classic cards, we see
Verdant Force ordered from us often. Due to
its high mana cost, Force is often "forced"
into play by other means, often by items
with similar resurrection abilities to
Recurring Nightmare.
Elvish Piper also fits the bill for the
more casual side of play. Whatever method
you use, when Force hits the board, it can
get out of control, creating tokens at a
crazy rate. Your opponent will need to deal
with it immediately, and if they can't,
you'll most likely win.
limited, I would take this as a game breaker
in the case of a stand off, even though its
cost is high. In casual, REALLY a fun card,
but prohibitively expensive in many cases up
to now...its inclusion in 9th Edition might
help some with that.
Constructed - 5
Casual -
Limited -