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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com
Ninth Edition
Reviewed July 27, 2005
Constructed: 1.875
Casual: 3
Limited: 3.25
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews
Paul Hagan |
Thundermare --
Well, there is good news and bad news whenever
Thundermare rides in. The good news is that you
will likely be getting through your opponents'
horde at least once. And you get a 5/5 creature
out of the deal! However, you will then be stuck
with all of your creatures being tapped whenever
it comes time for your opponent to attack, and
that could be potentially devastating. I liked
Thundermare when it was making appearances
within Oath of Druids decks, but if I am having
to choose an expensive red creature to play in a
deck, I'll usually be taking something with
wings and that rhymes with 'wagon'.
For limited play, I'll be a little more lenient
on Thundermare since you don't really have the
option of other big red creatures. It is also a
great finisher, essentially telling you that you
only need to deal fifteen points to your
opponent before you win the game, as opposed to
the standard twenty.
Constructed Rating: 2.0
Casual Rating: 2.0
Limited Rating: 3.0
Stoltzfus |
Thundermare is a splashy, cool card, but one
that has always been overrated. The problem with
it, in any format, is that it taps YOUR
creatures as well. In a game where there are
very few creatures on the board, this is no big
deal. But in a limited game that might be in the
middle of a large creature stall, if your
opponent is above five life, or has some way to
prevent the damage from getting through, this
becomes unplayable. In casual play, this card
has some fun applications. In a multiplayer
emperor game, you could play this out of the
flanker position to open up the side for another
player to break through. It would be fun to
combo it with something like Royal Assassin,
Limited – 2.5
Constructed – 1.5
Casual – 3

Gerhardt |
Now here's a dig up. Thundermare is not a card
many of you have even heard of, as you may not
have been around for the Weatherlight release.
Thundermare makes a nice finisher, thanks to
it's tap it all down feature. If you're opponent
is down to 5 or less, perfect. Even if not, it's
still a solid card that can make a nice hit at
least once. It would find a place in my limited
deck, and I suppose if you're going with a theme
that would fit it, it might find a place in your
casual deck. Not for tournament use. ;)
Constructed - 2
Casual - 3
Limited - 4
Squirrel |
Thundermare is a neat card, although I would
probably never play it in a Constructed deck
because you become so vulnerable after its
attack. For 6 mana you get an easy chunk out of
your opponent’s life and then be a sitting duck
next turn, unless of course you’ve already won.
The whole surprise factor makes it worth
playing, but it’s so situational and if this
isn’t a game finisher, the both of you will be
just trading life points back and forth, and you
will most likely get the bigger hit. It’s good
in limited though.
Constructed: 2
Casual: 4
Limited: 3.5