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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Pithing Needle
Saviors of Kamigawa
Reviewed June 03, 2005
Constructed: 4.00
Casual: 2.67
Limited: 2.88
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Pithing Needle
It comes to this! Years ago, it was hard to
believe that Meddling Mage was really going to
be an important card. The idea of playing a card
to stop a card from being played in the FUTURE
seemed crazy. Well, Meddling Mage turned out to
be an enormously useful card. Now, it comes to
this, a card like Pithing Needle. With the
Needle, you aren't even keeping your opponent
from playing a certain card, merely from using
its activated abilities.
Amazing! This card seems so defensive and so
situational that I can't believe it's really
going to be good. Well, I'm going to learn from
my past mistakes, and so I believe it, and you
better believe it too! Pithing Needle is already
highly collectible, if you didn't know,
commanding gigantic prices for a card from a set
that just made it to the retail stores a week
ago! Let me explain it another way. In the
olden-days, what made a creature powerful was how
big and powerful it was and whether or not it
could fly.
More recently, what made a creature card
powerful was what that card did when it came
into play. Today, creature cards' power is often
determined by what abilities the creature has
after he comes into play. Pithing Needle, while
not killing the creature, gives players an
amazingly cheap COLORLESS way to eliminate a
creature's special capabilities from affecting a
game any further. In constructed, this card will
be used, as Meddling Mage, to preemptively
restrict the opponent from using certain card's
activated abilities EVEN BEFORE THE NAMED CARD
IS IN PLAY. In limited, Pithing Needle will be
used to "turn off" an offending card that the
opponent already has in play. This card is
LIMITED: 3.5 |
Paul Hagan |
Pithing Needle
Gimme an O! Gimme a V! Gimme an ERRATED! What
does it spell?
Don't get me wrong, this card is solid,
especially for Extended play. But does it really
deserve all of the attention that it is getting?
Probably not. I put this card in the same
category as Cranial Extraction, where it really
shouldn't be going for as much as it is, but
I'll sell mine for the highest amount possible
the moment I get one.
I'm not quite sure if Pithing Needle should be
main deck or sideboard, but it should probably
hang out in most decks in one way or the other.
Just don't forget that artifact removal does
actually still exist.
Constructed Rating: 3.5
Casual Rating: 3.0
Limited Rating: 3.0 |
Antman |
Peoples, today is my first day as a Magic CotD
person, so let me tell ya a bit about myself
before i get started.
some of you might know me from hero clix CotD
and duel masters CotD. but sadly heroclix got
too expensive and duel masters just died out
where i live. so i decided to help out here at
the MTG CotD (my dream has come true!). I have
been playing magic ever since either 7th or
apocalypse (which ever came out first). and i
became competitive (somewhat) when i went to my
first gaming convention (gen con) in 2002. ok
now that we are done with my brief magic life
story lets get to today's card.
Needle- Rare- SoK
today we have probably the chace rare for
SoK, Pithing Needle
isnt probably one deck in T2 right now that
doesnt play some sort of activated ability.
that is what makes this card so good. Ohhh
your playing MUC (Mono Blue Control)? ok i
play pithing needle and call shackles. Ohhh,
your plaing TnN (tooth and nail)? ok i play
pithing needle and say O-Stone. Ohhh, your
playing MGA (Mono Green Aggro)? ok then i
play pithing needle and say ascetic. this
card is so versitile its crazy. but the
question is should this card be main
decked? I say no. the card may have the
versitility for a main decked card, but you
never know what you are playing against
(fully) till game two. This card is a
SideBoard star.
- 4.7/5
Great card, but not a full 5 worthy
2/5 not a very fun casual card
2/5 not useful enough to be good (but i would
still take it ^.^)
Thought- this card IS NOT a $17 card. if
you plan to buy one wait a while for it to
cool down to $5 then get some.