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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Saviors of Kamigawa
Reviewed June 6, 2005
Constructed: 2.60
Casual: 2.70
Limited: 3.00
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
There may not be as much equipment in the
Kamigawa block as there was in the Mirrodin
block, but Manriki-Gusari's ability to destroy
other equipment is pure genius. I think this
should be an entire series of cards. I know
there have already been creatures (obviously)
that can tap to destroy another creature, but I
would love a specific series of permanents in
some new set someday that each are capable of
destroying another permanent of their same type.
Anyway, the ability to destroy another piece of
equipment is an amazing ability of
Manriki-Gusari, but it isn't the most important
reason to play it. The most important reason is
that you can give Holy Strength (+1/+2) to any
creature you want. This card is cheap to cast
(2) and cheap to equip (1). This card is
extremely strong for limited play and could even
be a decent addition to constructed decks filled
with small creatures.
LIMITED: 4.0 |

* Game Store Owner |
I'm not sure this card is all that great. But
the funny thing is that it can be important if
people you play against use a lot of equipment.
White weenie is a good example of a deck this
card could be used against. It's likely that I
wouldn't recommend this as a main deck card for
anyone, but it is definitely a sideboard
Constructed: 2.5
Casual: 2
Limited: 2 |
Paul Hagan |
I wouldn't recommend playing this card in too
many decks, but with white weenie decks running
around Type II, as well as a powerhouse card
like Umezawa's Jitte, Manriki-Gusari might
warrant a sideboard slot or two. The casting
cost and the equip cost are both acceptable, and
it does give a small bonus other than being able
to ace equipment. However, due to the limited
uses of this card, I can't rate it too high.
In limited, I'd be less than excited to see
Manriki-Gusari, but the ability to pump my
creatures up a little bit might be enough to
persuade me to sneak it into my deck. However,
it is far from a first pick, so don't
overestimate it.
Constructed Rating: 2.5
Casual Rating: 2.0
Limited Rating: 2.0 |

Gerhardt |
I like
this guy. I've been playing a lot of CBS
drafts, and he works fairly well. I've
never had to use its "destroy equipment"
ability, but I'm sure it would really come
in handy against things like...JITTE.
And, btw...what the hell were they thinking
when they made Jitte?? Someone was on crack,
along with a couple other halucinogenics,
I'm quite positive. So, in limited, Gusari
gives your creatures that boost that can
take them over the top, especially the horde
of little flyers (the 1/1, 1/2, and 2/1s
that abound). On a larger flyer, he turns
it into a clock. Gusari is just good
constructed, it's too vanilla, most likely,
to make play, unless you find players really
getting desperate against Jitte, in which
case maybe this will make the cut? Dunno....seems
extreme, but the need to off Jitte is pretty
extreme too.
casual, Gusari gets the vanilla bean brand
again, unless your friends like playing
equipment decks. In that case, this is your
Constructed - 2
Casual -
Limited -
Antman |
Manriki-gusari- uncommon- SoK
Hello my
loyal pojo fans. today we have a
interesting card, manriki-gusari, or as i
like to call it "the jitte killer".
is interesting because it is a equipment,
that destroys other equipment, while giving
a bonus on the way. but the thing that i
really like about this card is the fact that
it doesn't unattach to destroy the
equipment, as most cards (such as leonin
bola) do. but is this card good? over all
i say no. in constructed there are far
better ways to destroy equipment (such as
oxidize and wear away), and in limited there
isnt enough artifacts for it to be more than
a continuous pump.
not much
more to say on the card, so ill just get to
the ratings
constructed- 2/5 i could maybe see it being
played in black, and maybe white decks where
they have no defense against equipment
3.4/5 a nice pump and a decent effect if you
opponent happens to play a equipment (even
if it is unlikely).
2/5 not a very fun card over all...
thought- good in limited, bad every where