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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Kiku's Shadow
Saviors of Kamigawa.
Reviewed June 08, 2005
Constructed: 2.1
Casual: 2.3
Limited: 3.7
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Kiku's Shadow
How good is this card in limited play, like
booster draft and sealed deck play? Is creature
removal important? Have you noticed how bad your
black removal spells are against other black
decks (Befoul and Horobi's Whisper cannot target
black creatures)? Kiku's Shadow destroys almost
every creature in the block. Kiku's Shadow is
CERTAINLY the best single target removal card in
Saviors of Kamigawa. Moreover, Kiku's Shadow
might be the best single target removal card in
the entire block. The biggest downside for
Kiku's Shadow, where constructed play is
concerned, is that this card is a Sorcery.
If Kiku's Shadow were an instant, I think it
would see constructed play right away, as it is,
it's a situational card for constructed.

* Game Store Owner |
Kiku's Shadow
At first, this card looks to be excellent. But
it is very good at being deceiving. At two mana,
black has other great spells to play like Terror
and Echoing decay (among others) that are just
superior in every way. Also, the others being
instants is a big deal. Kiku's Shadow may find
it's way into a couple of block constructed
decks, but I wouldn't expect to see more than a
copy or two in any normal constructed decks.
Constructed: 1.5
Casual: 1.5
Limited: 3
Paul Hagan |
Kiku's Shadow
Blah. Over the last few sets, black has
developed a massive number of quality removal
spells, and this isn't one of them. If I don't
have a definite way to destroy a creature with a
removal spell, it usually won't make its way
into my deck. Kiku's Shadow fits that bill,
therefore, it stays in my box of Saviors stuff
while a better card makes the cut.
In limited, where my card pool
is...um...limited, Kiku's Shadow suddenly
becomes a lot more attractive. Any removal is
good removal, and the low casting cost on Kiku's
Shadow is more than enough to make up for the
fact that it isn't a definite kill.
Constructed Rating: 2.0
Casual Rating: 2.0
Limited Rating: 3.0

Gerhardt |
Kiku's Shadow
An EXCELLENT destruction spell, even if only a
sorcery. Grab it every time in limited if you
are going Black. The cards it can't destroy are
few and far between, and you will always find
something to unleash it on.
In constructed, it limitations take it out of
contention. In casual, it's worth considering as
cheap destruction if you are going that route.
Constructed - 2
Casual - 2.5
Limited - 4.5
The Antman |
Shadow- Uncommon- SoK
peoples today we have a effective kill card
(for BB at that) today, kiku's shadow
against most of today's T2 decks this card
is useless (IE titan, meloku, colossus, ect.),
but this card can kill probably at least
9/10 of all the creatures in the game. The
one thing that hinders this card though is
the fact that it is a sorcery, making it
less likely that you will take it over
something like rend flesh or the black
limited however any removal is good removal
and this set is full of removal. heck this
whole block is full of removal, and removal
is very good in limited. if you see it,
take it.
constructed- 2/5 not much good use here,
stick to the instants
4/5 amazing, I give it a 5/5 for sealed.
1/5 too... blah
thought- leave out of constructed, use in
limited. nothing else to say.