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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Choice of Damnations
Saviors of Kamigawa
Reviewed June 17, 2005
Constructed: 2.85
Casual: 3.15
Limited: 3
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Choice of
That's easy, I'll take that one with the spots
all over it. The one sitting next to the
firetruck over there. Oh, my bad, I thought this
card was Choice of DALMATIANS. Don't get me
started with my Dalmatian jokes. I've got a
hundred and one of 'em! This card is FUN because
it causes the opponent to sort of writhe in
agony wondering which fate that this card can
provide is worse for them. Unfortunately, good
opponents will be able to assess this card's
impact on them pretty easily. Basically, this
card is going to be an EXPENSIVE sorcery that,
more often than not, simply causes your opponent
to lose five or six life. Think of it this way:
even though you get to choose which effect
happens, your opponent is NEVER going to say '2'
and allow you to make them lose all but two
permanents on their side of the board, and your
opponent is NEVER going to say '8' allowing you
to make them lose eight life points. According
to a grumpy old man I know (who's really good at
Magic!) this card looks and plays a lot like a
black Lava Axe. Definately not a constructed
card, this card costs too much to make the cut
in competitive black constructed designs, Choice
of Damnations is a MAYBE card for sealed decks
and a just-plain-NO card for booster drafts.

* Game Store Owner |
Choice of
Expect to see more of this card. This card
should definitely be in monoblack control decks.
You likely won't play a full set, but two copies
should absolutely be in. And realistically,
three may even be a possibility.
This is a card that's OK early and it's great
late in the game. Early on, your opponent will
choose some number like 8. But six mana to cost
your opponent 8 life is a decent trade. But late
in the game, they will likely only be able to
choose a number of eight or less. And that's
fine too. So this card can either put you close
winning the game, or can simply swing it in your
favor enough to start winning the game.
Constructed: 4
Casual: 4
Limited: 4
Paul Hagan |
Choice of
The first time I looked at this card, I was a
bit disappointing, thinking that your opponent
was the one who got to choose. And then people
yelled at me and pointed out the correct usage
of the card. Now I'm slightly more impressed.
However, I'm not going to go all out and say it
is an amazing card. I think it is acceptable,
but leaving the choice of numbers in your
opponent's hands isn't always the best call. I
won't call Choice of Damnations a bad card (or
even a mediocre card), but I also won't call it
a great card.
Constructed Rating: 3.0
Casual Rating: 3.0
Limited Rating: 3.0

Gerhardt |
Choice of
While this card has been getting a fair deal of
attention on my site, its ability is honestly
just okay at best. If you meld it into a deck
built around both abilities, it's a'ight. But
its downside is this: Your opponent can decide
what hurts less and pick a number based on that.
Don't get me wrong...it will still hurt, but
letting your opponent decide something is
usually a bad thing.
In limited, it costs too much for its ability
which will be unfocused anyhow. In casual, an
iffy card unless you are into building a deck
around its two abilities.
www.ShuffleAndCut.com |