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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com
Future Sight
Reviewed June 21, 2005
Constructed: 3.2
Casual: 3.35
Limited: 3
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Future Sight
This is a very fun card to play with. This card
can also be an impressive tool to gaining
massive card advantage. My favorite use of this
card, limited or constructed, is in a blue/red
deck. This card's best use is in decks with lots
of cheap to cast cards. The fatal flaw is that
Future Sight is itself rather difficult to cast.
Triple colored casting cost is nothing to screw
around with. In a limited deck, you need nine
blue mana sources before you can realistically
expect to cast this card. In a constructed deck,
you will need 14-16 blue sources to make this
card really work for you.
Paul Hagan |
Future Sight --
When this card came out, I knew a ton of guys
who were trying to show how abusive it could be,
but it always seemed to me that Future Sight
wasn't *quite* good enough to make the cut into
most decks. I won't complain about it too much,
but the slots you use on Future Sight can
usually just be filled with something better.
In limited play, this card does provide you with
a limited form of card advantage, which is never
a bad thing to have on your side of the table. I
would say that it should probably see play if
you were in heavy blue and didn't have a lot of
great options, but it definitely doesn't warrant
a first pick.
Constructed Rating: 2.5
Casual Rating: 2.5
Limited Rating: 2.5

Gerhardt |
Future Sight
Honestly, a very playable card. It basically
always adds an extra card to your hand. And if
there is a land on top, it's like having 2 extra
cards in hand. Blue is a color that REALLY
appreciates card advantage, and that is what
Future Sight does for you. Its one negative is
that it is pretty heavily costed at 5 mana - one
thing that Blue does not like is tapping out,
and that means that they would have to wait to
play Future Sight until...sometime in the
farther future, probably not turn 5.
In casual, it's a useful card if you're playing
Blue and have a deck that can stall a bit so you
can get it out. In limited, it's a bit late, but
could still be useful.
Constructed - 4
Casual - 4
Limited - 3