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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Kagemaro, First to Suffer
Saviors of Kamigawa
Reviewed May 23, 2005
Constructed: 3.15
Casual: 3.25
Limited: 3.9
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Kagemaro, First
to Suffer
I may just be a little jealous of Mark
Rosewater...I mean, who among we Magic geeks
would not want to have Rosewater's job and be so
thoroughly involved and connected in the world of
Magic. However, I really do get tired of hearing
about how Maro was named after him. So you can
understand that when I see Kagemaro, JEFF ZANDI
is the "first to suffer".
Seriously, though, Kagemaro is quite a cool monster. There are
problems, however. In limited play, you can't
count on having that many cards in your hand by
the time you are playing this five casting cost
creature. Anyone will tell you, the skill level
for limited format has been ratcheted up at
least one or two notches with Saviors of
Kamigawa. Cards that require you to consider the
number of cards in your hand are an excellent
example. Aggressive decks had a big advantage in
Kamigawa before Saviors arrived. Now, things are
going to slow down a little bit in limited
formats. This card's ability is good enough to
make keep more cards in your hand than you might
have otherwise.
LIMITED: 3.5 |

* Game Store Owner |
Kagemaro, First
to Suffer
Monoblack control will get a good boost from
something like this. It can serve as your big
beater. It can also serve as massive creature
removal. There are a lot of neat tricks at your
disposal with this card. The neat thing is that
five mana isn't really that much of an issue for
the control decks as long as they don't play too
many of them.
Constructed: 3
Casual: 2.5
Limited: 4 |
Paul Hagan |
Kagemaro, First
to Suffer
I guess I can't complain too much about this
card. Black decks seem to have been searching
for another win condition to go alongside the
uber-useful Kokusho, and Kagemaro will likely
fit the bill. Not only do you get a creature of
decent size (assuming you build to maximize
potential), you also have a way to sweep the
board of any major threat, including guys like
Troll Ascetic that black traditionally has
difficulty dealing with. Don't get me wrong,
this card is hardly the end-all, be-all black
creature of the century, but it will fit the
current need of the environment.
In limited play, I can see myself putting this
card into my deck nine times out of ten, as it
is both a creature of decent size and removal.
The only thing you should really take into
consideration is the double-black in its casting
cost, but that shouldn't be an issue too often.
Constructed Rating: 3.0
Casual Rating: 3.0
Limited Rating: 3.5 |

Gerhardt |
Kagemaro, First
to Suffer
This is the one maro creature from Saviors that
I hear people say is a decent card. And, as you
can see for good reason. A practical Wrath of
God in black, especially in any limited format,
where Kagemaro is a first pick. He'll lead you
into playing a significant amount of Black so be
conscious of that as you make the rest of your
But I just want to know what Mark Rosewater did
to deserve such recognition of late? He's a good
guy, but wow! It must have been amazing, as now
he adds 5 more cards to his Maro legacy. =)
For those of you that are interested... Have you
seen the Saviors of Kamigawa set? We have a full
spoiler of the rares available here: Saviors of
Kamigawa! Wow...some great stuff was played at
the Pre-release events. Take a look at the new
BLUE Fork...yes, I said Blue! And what do you
think a 12 casting cost creature looks like?
Check the list and find out! =) And as a bonus
ONLY for Pojo.com readers... if you win any
Saviors auctions from me, email me and let me
know you are a Pojo.com fan and I will throw in
a free Bonus Rare with your winnings! Good luck!
Constructed - 3.5
Casual - 3.5
Limited - 4.5 |