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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Saviors of Kamigawa
Reviewed May 30, 2005
Constructed: 3.5
Casual: 3.18
Limited: 2.85
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
The great and mighty card from Magic's Golden
Age, Fork, has returned. Sort of. Now it's blue
and called Twincast, but this is a small
difference, brought about by card designers
thinking too much and worrying about the Sacred
Cows known as the Color Pie or whatever.
Twincast is an awesome card, in constructed as
well as in limited. However, the biggest
downside of Twincast is that the card is, by its
very design, defensive. Instead of putting
another powerful card in your deck, you have put
Twincast, which AT BEST is going to be a copy of
one of your opponent's powerful cards. Copying
your opponent's Lightning Blast doesn't keep
their Lightning Blast from killing you or one of
your creatures. However, as defensive as
Twincast might be, it is also adaptable. In
constructed play, Twincast should never be a
dead card in your hand, there should be instant
and sorcery spells in any opponent's deck. In
limited play, Twincast can help you fill in for
a powerful spell that you WISH you had. Copying
your opponent's Devouring Greed could give you a
chance to win, since your copy of Devouring
Greed (created by Twincast) will resolve before
your opponent's original spell.
Paul Hagan |
Twincast --
I suppose if you are playing blue, you should
play one or two of these minimum. I won't call
it great, especially since I don't think it will
ever be too consistent, but it should allow you
to pull off a number of tricks. This applies to
both constructed and casual. For limited play, I
may or may not play Twincast, depending on the
selection of other cards I have for my deck. I
don't think it would automatically make the cut,
but it would receive some consideration.
Constructed Rating: 3.0
Casual Rating: 3.0
Limited Rating: 2.5

Gerhardt |
Hot Hot
HOT! Definitely the 2nd hottest Saviors
card flying of my virtual "shelves" at my
Website store. For the MTG younglings,
Twincast is the new
Fork, but blue takes over the ability
now. Fork in red has obvious applications
with its heavy burn contigent. But Blue has
some nice ways to take advantage also, with
card drawing, bounce and other control
spells that will drive opponent's to steam.
Now the Blue Mages can double up their
torture! With mono-Blue making a huge
comeback, expect to see Twincast staying in
the HOT range.
Constructed - 4
Casual -
Limited -