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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Erayo, Soratami Ascendant
Saviors of Kamigawa
Reviewed May 31, 2005
Constructed: 2.75
Casual: 2.75
Limited: 3.00
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
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Card of the Day Reviews

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Erayo, Soratami
This card is very interesting for both
constructed and limited play, but be careful,
object in mirror MAY actually be smaller than
they appear. What I'm trying to say is, Erayo is
a powerful card, but don't make the mistake of
thinking that it's more powerful than it really
is. In limited, you need to play a 1/1 flyer for
two mana a lot of the time anyway, and there
will be plenty of limited games where this card
will be just that and nothing more, only an
early game 1/1 flyer. Limited games, however,
present the greatest possibility of having four
spells played on the same turn, flipping Erayo
into the legendary enchantment. In constructed,
the 1/1 flyer matters a lot less, but the
ability of the legendary enchantment matters a
lot more.
However, even if you do manage to get this card
flipped into its legendary enchantment form, you
may not have accomplished as much as you might
Your opponent will certainly not enjoy having
the first spell they cast countered each turn.
This is a serious drawback for your opponent,
certainly, more so in limited than in
constructed. In limited, your opponent has fewer
and less focused threats in his deck than in
constructed. In limited, your opponent can less
afford to throw away a spell just in order to
cast a second spell that turn. In constructed,
your opponent will figure out that he just has
to save his important spells and cast them after
playing a spell they care a lot less about. In
the end, Erayo is a card that makes you go to a
lot of trouble to make your opponent work a
LITTLE harder.
LIMITED: 3.5 |
Paul Hagan |
Erayo, Soratami
Ascendant --
I have a bit of trouble rating this card. It has
potential to be really good, but against a smart
opponent, it may be a little difficult to flip.
If I were playing against Erayo, it would (A) be
my primary goal to kill Erayo and (B) if I
couldn't, try to only play one spell or so a
turn. This means that the Erayo user needs to
make up the remaining three spells, which
shouldn't be too easy if they are playing
worthwhile cards. I would call Erayo great, but
he is decent enough to see some play.
As for limited, Erayo is a little bit more
difficult to flip, but he is an evasion creature
with a low casting-cost, so that alone might
make him worth sneaking into your deck. Plus, if
his flip condition happens to come up, then good
news, right?
Constructed Rating: 2.5
Casual Rating: 3.0
Limited Rating: 2.5 |

Gerhardt |
Erayo, Soratami
Mono Blue is making a big comeback, and you KNOW
the Blue Mages are foaming at the mouth about
this one. Blue has very little problem making
four spells happen in a turn (Opponent plays a
spell, Blue counters, Opponent plays another
spell, Blue responds again). Flip Erayo. Now
"Opponent" is basically up crap creek. Seeing
Erayo hit the board should sink many an
opponent's heart, and will most likely scare
them into not playing more than 1 spell per
turn. But that's what Blue wants, isn't it...to
get you to play a game the way you don't want to
play it. So either way, they really do paint you
into their corner.
In limited, Erayo doesn't nearly pack the same
punch. You really need a deck built around
control and responses to make it work, and
Kamigawa block has little to offer along those
lines...card draw is about as close as you'll
In casual, Erayo could be fun if you want to run
the control theme, though you may have a few
friends jump across the table at you to choke
Constructed - 5
Casual - 3.5
Limited - 2
www.ShuffleAndCut.com |