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Pojo's Magic The Gathering Card of the Day

Image from Wizards.com |
Sorrow's Path
The Dark
Reviewed May 6, 2005
Constructed: 1.13
Casual: 1.75
Limited: 1.38
Ratings are
based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ...
5 is the highest rating
Click here to see all
Card of the Day Reviews

Jeff Zandi
Time Pro Tour
Sorrow Path is one of the worst, and funniest,
Magic cards ever printed. Tap to suck? How about
tap to blow your own face off? This card is an
exploding cigar that comes with its own pack of
matches. I gotta tell ya, I don't even know how
the "good" part of this card's effect really
helps you. "Exchange two of your opponent's
blocking creatures". Exchange them for what? Why
am I exchanging them? Sometimes I have to
exchange a pair of shoes after I buy them if
they don't fit quite right. Sorrow's Path is a
card that I don't believe will ever fit quite
right in a good Magic deck.
This card is literally FAMOUS for being bad.
Sorrow's Path is the Shawn Bradley of Magic
LIMITED: 1.0 |

* Game Store Owner |
Path - Friday
This card has always seen very little play. It's
not really efficient and you'd also need to have
multiple players taking advantage of you to make
full advantage of the fruit. Long story short,
don't actually play this card no matter what
format it's in.
Constructed: 1
Casual: 1
Limited: 1.5 |
Paul Hagan |
Path --
This card is aptly named, mostly because of how
sad I become when I look at it. At first,
Sorrow's Path looks absolutely silly...until you
hit the last line. I'm not even concerned with
the two damage being dealt to me, but the two
damage that hits my creatures is a bit of an
issue. It takes what could be an absolutely
stellar card and makes it almost worthless. 1/1s
my opponent controls will now be able to take
down 3/3s that I control -- hardly a decent
exchange. Sorrow's Path also hurts you a bit
more in that it does not produce mana, meaning
the turn you drop it is a turn without a boost
to your mana.
There is hope for the Path, though. Imagine the
possibilities of this card in a multiplayer
environment, where you can create all sorts of
chaos with two opponents' combat that doesn't
even involve you. It can still potentially waste
some of your dudes, but if it means screwing up
someone's blocking assignments in your favor,
who cares?
Constructed Rating: 1.5
Casual Rating: 2.5 (but only because of group
Limited Rating: 1.5 |

Gerhardt |
Wow...this brings bad to a new level. Judge Bill
told me that a number of Magic players consider
this the worst card ever printed. And we can see
why. Exchanging 2 blockers probably isn't going
to get you amazing results most of the time
anyhow, and in the meantime, you are going to be
hurting your own guys and yourself. Sounds kinda
S&M to me. Leave this in the box under your bed.
Constructed - 1
Casual - 1.5
Limited - 1.5 |